What the Hell? Wedding Part Three

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~Peggy's POV~

Maria ran out of the room, Alexander hot on her tail. Everyone watched the big wooden doors open as Alex chased after her. I sat at the tabel, looking at George. Maria and I had grown close over the past couple months. Everyone always asked, why I wasn't pissed when Alex got engaged to Maria less than two months after my sister died. And the reason was, if Alexander trusted her right after the love of his life died, she must be good. Alexander was heartbroken, so she clearly had magical powers. Everyone was glaring at George.

"What?" He asked.


"Well maybe if Alexander wasn't so self-centered, maybe he wouldn't let these things happen," George said. I had a sudden urge to throw coffee in his face, which luckily Angelica did for me.

"ANGELICA!" Phil said. George's face clenched up from the heat of the coffee.

"Mrs. Church you can't do that to the president!" Thomas yelled.

"I am no longer Mrs. Church, I have renounced my marriage to that abusive asshole I may Ms. Schuyler once more." Angelica stated. I smiled. She finally told them.

~Alexander's POV~

OHNOOHNOOHNOOHNOOHNO OH GOD NO! WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO TO MARIA! Shit I really fucked up. I'd be suprised if she even wanted to talk to me. I ran up the church tower to see her, sitting on a bench, her head in her hands, sobbing. I knocked on the wood of the arch way.

"Maria...?" I asked calmly.

"Go away asshole!" She yelled.

"Maria please, I fucked up," I said sitting down next to her.

"Sure as hell ya did," she sais. I wrapped my arms around her and for some reason, she didn't pull away.

"Alex, I'm sorry," she cried out.

"Don't be sorry, it's my fault," I said.

"No, I'm just stupid."

"And why would you be stupid?"

"Because none of your friends or family gets me. They look at me weirdly. I'm strange."

"No you're not. You're Maria, Maria Lewis Reynolds Hamilton, and by god that's a mouth full," she laughed, "you're my wife, my beautiful wife and nothing can change that."

"Nothing?" She asked.

"Nothing, will ever change that." I repeated.

"Even if I was pregnant?" She asked. I gasped.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU'RE PREGNANT!" I screamed. She nodded. I screamed picking her up and swung her around. I placed her down and kissed her belly.

"How long have you known?" I asked. I was so excited.

"2 weeks or so. The doctor said I'm about 1 month pregnant." I smiled.

"I'm so fucking happy!" I said. She began to cry again.

"I though you'd be upset." She said, looking down at me with teary eyes. I stopped kissing her stomach and wipped the tears from her eyes.

"Why would I be upset?!" I asked.

"Cause I was pregnant before we were married," Maria whispered, looking ashamed. I picked her head up with my hands, making her place her forehead against "Maria Lewis Reynolds Hamilton, just because I am Christian doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy to have another fucking baby. I LOVE KIDS! People like Jefferson think I'm a self-centered asshole who doesn't care about other life forms, but really, I love you, the kids, and are soon to be newborn. Maria I love you and this child, and I promise I will take care of them till the day I die," I said.

"Then should we go back and tell everyone," Maria said.

"I love that idea," I said kissing her while helping her down the stairs.

Maria and I walked back to the reception hall. Everyone was yelling at each other. Peggy was saying something about how Maria already been through enough, and Angelica was yelling at Thomas about something.

"SILENCE!" I yelled. Everyone turned to look at Maria and I . Everyone got back to their seats. I was so fucking giddy.

"Why are you so giddy Hamilton, did you get make-up sex or something," he snickered. I sprinted towards him, but luckily, Angelica held me back. My hands were in fists. I flipped Thomas off before walking back to my seats with Maria. Maria began to speak.

"Alexander and I have a very special annoucment," she began, but then Thomas cut her off.

"Are you moving back to Nevis cause that'd be great," Thomas yelled. I flipped him off again. Maria took a deep breath before speaking again, "Alexander and I," she grabbed my hand and her stomach, "we are expecting a baby." It was silent for a moment before, Peggy and Angelica were hugging Maria, and Laf, Washington, and Burr were hugging me. Thomas even smiled.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN!" Angelica screamed.

"Two weeks or so," Maria said giggling, "The doctor says I'm a month pregnant." Everyone was smiling.

After the reception and all the questions like whether we wanted a boy or a girl or what they would be named, Maria, Phillip, Angie and I were walking home in the dim light of street lamps.

"So I'm gonna have a little brother!" Phillip exclaimed. I laughed remembering how much he wanted a little brother.

"Maybe Phillip, maybe you'll have a little sister," Maria said. Angie jumped up and down.

"Someone to play dolls!" She exclamied!

"Yes Angie," Maria said, as we walked into the house, happy.

A/N it's one day early fellow humans. I'm seeing Hamilton today so I'm so fucking excited ldnaof; a ajns;m dlsk.j. Anyway enjoy the plot twist, it's not over, don't worry. Next update will be next Friday.

--Elegant Panda Ninja who is not dead.

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