| Chapter 11. |

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Devin's warm amber brown eyes stayed focused on her reflection through the squeaky clean full body mirror, as she second guessed her choice of clothing for the day. The red cross designed blouse she had on clung to her upper body, the tops of her A cup breasts poking out, looking rather full and perky, thanks to the push up bra she had on. She had paired the outfit nicely with a form fitting leather material high waisted skirt, that showed off just the right amount of skin that she wanted exposed for other eyes to see.

"Couldn't change if you wanted now, Devin." She sighed, before she grabbed her purse off the bathroom sink and made her way out the ladies restroom. She checked the time on her phone, as she walked down the narrow hallway of the bank towards the front of the building.

"Woah, hey," Isaac's surprised tone caught her attention, as she spun around to face him. "Damn, you wore that today?" He winked, Devin's instantly getting mad.

"I can wear whatever the hell I want." She managed to snap back, watching as Isaac raised his hands in defense.

"You look good, so I'm not judging you, Devin. You really should wear things like that more often." He smirked, causing Devin's face to contort to one of disgust.

"In your dreams, Isaac." She hissed, before turning on her heels and escaping the building. She made it to her car afterwards with no problems, arriving to the therapist office in less than 30 minutes. She checked herself out in her rearview mirror again, running a shade of matching red lipstick across her lips before she exited her vehicle. It wasn't usually like her to get dolled up the way she was, but she wanted nothing more than to get The Therapist back for what he did last time.

The way he left her last time in such frustration, she was yearning for them to take things further for her 2nd appointment. And if her outfit was going to do the trick, then that was what she was going to resort too.

"Natalie, is my 4 o'clock here?" Cameron's baritone spoke, as Devin opened the doors to the office and took a step inside the building.

"She's here," Natalie smiled at Devin as she lowered the phone. "Love the outfit." Devin smiled back at Natalie, her confidence going through the roof.

"Would you like me to send her in?" Natalie questioned, motioning for Devin to come closer as she waited for Cameron's response.

"Yes, please send her in." He answered into the phone.

"Okay," Natalie hung up the phone, as she turned to finish typing on the computer. "You can go right in, Miss Rodriguez."

"Thank you." Devin muttered, her red bottom peep toe heels clicking across the hardwood floor as she made her way to the office doors and let herself in.

"Good afternoon, Miss Rodriguez. How are you..." Cameron clicked his pen shut, his eyes going wide as he made eye contact with Devin's jaw-dropping appearance.

"Doing." He said breathlessly, his tongue grazing over his bottom lip as he took in her sexiness.

"I'm well, doctor. And you?" She smirked this time, closing the door behind her as he nodded his head in approval.

"Great. Just great. Please, have a seat." Cameron motioned to the couch, watching as Devin took a seat.

"What are we discussing today?" She pursed her lips, while her eyes stayed focused on him pushing his chair over to where she was located.

"I was hoping you were ready to discuss Javon's father, Jazz." Cameron answered, Devin's face saying it all.

"No, I will not discuss that man." She snarled, as Cameron raised an eyebrow underneath his mask.

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