| Chapter 31. |

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"Cuz' all of me... Loves all of you..." John Legend's voice sung on the radio, as Devin made her way back home.

Javon sat in the backseat of the car, singing along with the words. She felt something in her stomach stir around, as she processed that this would be the first time Javon has ever saw his father. Jazz had left when Javon was 8 months, so there was no way that Javon would even remember him. Devin shook her head, deciding not to tell him that his father was back.

Or rather, not knowing how. She wasn't sure exactly how to tell her six year old son that the man who has never wanted to see him had shown up on their doorstep unannounced, so she was just going to wait until that time came.

"Mommy?" Javon questioned, as Devin turned down the radio.

"Yeah, baby?" She replied, waiting as Javon took a long pause.

"Do you miss Cameron?" Devin felt her heart sink at the question, tears almost escaping her eyelids.

"Why would you ask that Javon?" She choked back the tears.

"Because I miss him. He was my friend and he was really cool. Did you have a fight?" Javon pouted.

"Something like that." Devin sighed, glancing at her son in the rearview mirror.

"What happened?" Javon pushed his glasses up, as he stared at Devin.

"Um... Cameron lied to mommy about something and mommy got really angry. But she wishes she didn't." 

"Oh..." Javon said, his voice low. "Did you say sorry to each other?" 

She wiped her eyes quickly. "I didn't, no." 

"Well mommy, you have too. You have to be fair and treat others how you want to be treated." 

Another tear fell. "I will, baby. I will. But don't worry, okay? I'm still here and I love you, baby." Devin spoke, as Javon nodded.

"I love you too, mom." She heard him quip back, an instant smile spreading on her face.

She pulled into the parking lot, climbing out of the car as she grabbed Javon's hand and led him inside of the building. She opened her door, scooting Javon in first. She watched as Jazz hopped up from the couch, with a large smile on his face.

"Hey, little man." He grinned, rushing over to Javon.

"Mommy, who is he?" Javon said nervously, hiding behind his mom.

"Javon, baby. That's your daddy." Devin answered, lightly pushing Javon towards Jazz.

"My daddy? My own daddy?" Devin's heart dropped at her son's words as she turned to look at Jazz.

"See? He doesn't even know that he has a daddy, Jazz." She scoffed, wiping away a tear that had fell.

Jazz bent down to Javon's size, placing a hand to Javon's shoulder. "He looks just like me."

Devin nodded, biting down on her lip. "I know."

"So, you're really my daddy? You kissed mommy and had me?" Javon questioned, eyeing Jazz up and down.

Jazz nodded his head. "Yeah, and some other things too." He winked.

"Don't tell him that. What the hell is wrong with you?" Devin scolded, staring at Jazz in nothing but hatred.

"Are you and mommy boyfriend and girlfriend again?"

"Yes." Jazz smiled.

"No." Devin shouted at the same time, shaking her head violently.

"Javon, daddy is just visiting." She cleared her throat, staring at her son.

"Oh. Are you staying with us?"

"Yes." Jazz answered.

"No." Devin shouted again, raising a hand to her temple.

"I mean, daddy is staying at a hotel during the night." She corrected her response.

"Devin, I'm staying here. I don't got no money for no hotel. Unless you paying for it?" Jazz scoffed, as Devin frowned.

How could she have fallen for and have a baby with him seven years ago?

"Jazz, I don't want you here." Devin answered, rolling her eyes.

"I'm staying here, Devin. You want me here, right little man? So we can play video games and have fun, right?" Jazz turned his attention back to Javon, playing with his curls.

"You'll really play with me? Only Uncle Brian plays with me and that's when I go over to their house." Javon asked.

"Yeah, little man. I'm down." Jazz replied, sounding as if he wasn't actually interested in spending quality time with his son.

Javon of course, didn't pick up on Jazz's tone. "Yay! Mommy, he can't stay at a hotel! He has to stay here? Pretty pretty please?"

She couldn't let her son down. Especially when he sounded so excited.

"Uh... yeah, baby. He'll stay." Devin sighed, as Javon gave her a giant hug.

"Awesome! Thanks, mommy. Can I go show daddy my room and my toys?" He asked, not realizing that he was calling a man whom he had never met daddy.

"Sure, baby." Devin mumbled, faking a smile. As if she was truly happy about Jazz being there. Javon tugged on Jazz's arm, leading him down towards his bedroom. Devin reached out her own arm, pulling Jazz close to her before he could disappear with their son.

"Jazz, don't break his heart. I mean it. That is my baby and I won't have you do him like you did me." She whispered lowly.

"Devs, I got this. Don't worry about me." Jazz smirked, pulling her fingers off his arm as he left the room. She let out another breath, trying to figure out what mess Jazz had just pulled her and her son back into.

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