| Chapter 13. |

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"Good afternoon, doctor." Devin greeted, her peep-toes clicking against the hardwood floors of the office.

"Afternoon, Miss Rodriguez. How are you?" He answered, watching as she sat down on the sofa. He fought a smile, seeing how comfortable she was becoming with him.

"I'm well. Can't say the same the other day, though." She sighed, running a hand through her wavy hair. It was straight last week, but clearly, it was starting to revert back.

"Why weren't you before?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy.

"I went to Javon's school assembly and this woman pissed me off because his father wasn't there," Devin snarled. "Cami was able to calm me down enough to ignore her, but it still was a bother."

"Honestly, I just don't see what does it matter if he has a father figure or not? He has me." Devin finished off, as Cameron rose from his seat behind the desk.

"And that's all he needs, Miss Rodriguez. Don't let petty comments get to you. You know your situation and you've handled it well. Now, go ahead and make yourself comfortable." He responded, as she took the time to get situated.

"So, what are we talking about today?" She questioned, fixing her flowing new dress as she crossed her legs on the couch.

"Tell me about your dream guy." Cameron spoke, Devin inhaling a breath.

"My dream guy?" She laughed, peering into his ocean colored eyes. "Makes more sense just to talk about you."

"We're not here for me." He snapped, in his deep baritone. "Now, start talking."

"Uh, alright," She fluttered her eyes closed. "Honestly, I don't know."

"You have to know something. Just go on and tell me." Cameron picked up his clipboard.

"Well, I of course, want someone whom can be a positive influence in Javon's life as well as mine." She started, as Cameron slowly wrote it down.

"And?" He questioned.

"And I don't know," She thought some more. "Someone that finds me beautiful, on the inside and not just out. I don't think I've ever been called beautiful. And it would mean a lot if someone would just greet me like a gentleman. Treat me like a lady. Be there." She sighed.

"I just want a man that respects me, loves me and can be there for my son and I. No games. Just a complete honest and understanding man. Someone that is the complete opposite of-" She paused. "Just someone that can give me a brighter future and help me move on from the past."

"No more mention of him," Cameron whistled with pride, putting down his clipboard. "I'm pleased."

"Was that a good enough answer for you?" Devin giggled, her eyes still shut tight.

"Perfect." He spoke lowly, making his way over to her. He would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to his session with Miss Rodriguez all day. There was something different about this woman. Something daring. Something very sexy. Something that was about to make him step out of his normal.

She opened her eyes due to the silence, noticing the small tug at the end of his lips, feeling her panties becoming a puddle just by the look itself. His hands found their way to her thighs, as his lips rested upon her neck. She moaned out in response, waiting for the doctor to work his magic like fingers.

But this time was different, as he made his way down the curve of her body, his hands snaking under her dress as he tried pulling down the pink thong she wore.

"W...wait," She stuttered, grabbing his hands before he could pull the underwear down anymore. "What's going on?"

"Put your trust in me, Miss Rodriguez. After all, I'm your doctor." He licked his lips, desperately wanting to taste her. Out of all of his patients, he had never had a attraction as strong as the one he had to Devin. And he wanted to show her different.

"And besides, this is my favorite part." He almost begged her, reading her reaction before tugging the underwear down all the way and throwing them across his office.

He kissed the inside of her thighs, a moan escaping her lips. She could feel his warm breath in between her legs and she knew- that there was no turning back. His face dove in between her legs, as he began sucking on her clit vigorously.

"Oh my fucking God." Devin moaned, biting down on her bottom lip. It was so good, she tried squirming out of his reach to get away from him, but Cameron just wouldn't budge- she tasted too good to him.

He knew what he was doing was breaking his own rules but he couldn't help himself. And when Devin screamed at the top of her lungs, her hands coming over top of her mouth in a attempt to muffle her piercing screams, he felt himself get hard.

"No, Miss Rodriguez. I want to hear you." He said in between licks, grabbing her arms and tossing them back onto the couch.

She bit down on her lip harsh, Cameron beginning to move his tongue against her most sensitive spot quickly, as if she was his last meal. Devin's hands found their way tangled in Cameron's soft brown hair, yanking him deeper between her legs.

She wrapped her legs around his face, as Cameron gripped her waist and continued to lap up every drop of her cream. She felt herself shaking, the immense feeling of her doctor's tongue doing a million and one things to her.

"Yes, doctor! Mmm, yes!" Devin panted, grinding her pussy into Cameron's face gently. He continued going, Devin's loud moans motivating him. This went on for the next 30 minutes of their session, nothing interrupting them as he got to work.

She continued screaming, knowing she was about to reach her peak, yet another time. The climax was building up inside her and it was coming quicker than she thought this time.

Cameron knew she was about to cum again, so to be a pain in the ass, he decided to go even faster with his tongue. In response, Devin's back arched off the couch, and she forced his head in even deeper between her legs.

About 15 more seconds of that, and she could just feel something explode inside of her. Something so strong, something so fantastic, that she couldn't help but let out the loudest moan yet.

"OHHHH MY GODDDDDD!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, breathless and struggling to find air. It was almost amazing that he never got the chance to tell her the room was soundproof as long loud as she was.

She had never felt oral sex like this, let alone- an orgasm like this. The therapist had just done more for her than Jazz ever could with his penis.

Cameron raised his face from between her legs, his face glistening with her juices. "You alright, Miss Rodriguez?"

Devin nodded her head, at a loss for words. "Doc...doctor. I... Uh... What just happened?"

Cameron smirked. "You know, I'm sure that perfect man that you just described to me will come sooner than you think. You just gotta stay hopeful."

Devin scoffed at him. "Are we not going to talk about what you just did to me?"

Cameron bellowed a loud chuckle. "It's apart of my job that I don't discuss it."

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