| Chapter 5. |

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The following day, after getting herself ready for work and Javon ready for school, Devin pulled up to the front of the school building a few minutes before class was scheduled to start.

She saw Javon's teacher standing behind the fence, a clipboard in her hands as she tried to keep the kids already in line under control. Devin sighed, not feeling like dealing with the older woman at all, so instead deciding to just shut off her car and wait until she saw them head into the building.

She twisted around, staring at her son as he lowly hummed to himself. She grinned. Javon was such a happy young boy and always managed to keep a smile on his face at all times.

And of course, he looked incredibly cute and adorable in his black and white PS Aero (for kids) jogging suit and cute matching high-top converse sneakers.

His glasses sat on the tip of his nose, as he bit down on his lip, deep in thought. He finally looked up at Devin, smiling once he noticed that she was staring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that, mommy?" He giggled, as Devin shook her head.

"You're just so cute, Javon. Mommy can't keep her eyes off you."

His face instantly turned bright red, as he reached up and covered his cheeks. "Mommy, stop!" He giggled.

"Alright, I'll stop," Devin smiled. "Hey, show mommy the little girl that you like." She looked out the window, her eyes trailing up and down the class line.

"Her! The pretty one in pink, mommy!" Javon exclaimed, Devin quickly looking for the young girl. Her eyes instantly landed on a small chocolate skinned girl in the line, with a pink dress and matching pink bows in her natural hair.

"Ooh, she's cute." Devin nodded her head in approval, as Javon rolled his eyes playfully.

"I know, mommy. That's why I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." Javon laughed again.

"Aren't you kind of young for a girlfriend, baby?" Devin raised her eyebrow, as Javon shook his head.

"Nope. Told you. I'm a big boy." He said proudly, before Devin laughed. This kid was something else. She shook her own head, seeing the class getting ready to go inside. Without a second thought, she turned around and clicked his seatbelt for him.

"Alright, baby. You have to go, it looks like they're heading inside." Devin told him, as she put her keys back in the ignition.

"Okay." Javon replied, swinging the car door open and climbing out of the backseat.

"Oh, and listen- mommy has to go somewhere after work today so Auntie Cami is picking you up, alright?" Javon nodded his head in response.

"I love you, baby. Have a good day." Devin blew him a kiss.

"Love you too, mom. Bye!" Javon slammed the door, bouncing away to join the line. He went right next to his crush, Brielle- giving her a warm hug hello before grabbing her hand and disappearing from Devin's view.

She cheesed, going to work afterwards- her day being as it always usually was. She worked the drive through, helped fill out bank statements as well as helping with the online support.

But after work, she had made an appointment to go to the therapist office that Cami had told her about. She was kind of nervous, considering she never had opened up to anyone before.

But maybe Cami was right. Maybe it was unhealthy for Devin to be so "bitter" all the time. And if her bitterness was having a negative effect on her son, she was willing to do anything to make sure that she could improve on it. Even if that meant talking to a therapist about her issues.

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