| Chapter 7. |

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"Damn." Cameron sighed in his raspy morning voice, flipping over in his king sized bed and shutting off the loud and annoying alarm clock he had set on his phone. It was already halfway through the morning, 10 to be exact- but Cameron always did things on his own time and at his own speed.

He let out another breath, proceeding on getting out of the bed, untangling out of the arms of the girl he brought home last night,and made his way over to the bathroom across the hall to handle his morning business. When he was finished, he washed his hands at the sink and brushed his teeth, dragging his body back into the large bedroom. He took notice of the sleeping woman in his bed, and he rolled his eyes. He wasn't expecting her to still be there when he woke up- after all. it was like unspoken rule to get the hell out when the sun came up. But no, she was still here. 

"Alright, let's see how this one does." He groaned to himself, before making his way over to her and shaking her awake. Her eyes opened, and she smiled, whispering "Good Morning" as she attempted to swing an arm around Cameron's neck before he wiggled his way from her hold.

"Uh, hey... Terry, right?" Cameron didn't know. "Look, last night was fun and all, but you have to leave now." Cameron yawned, watching as her beaming face turned into one full of anger.

"My name is Tara! And you said that you saw a future with me last night. That I was special. Why are you kicking me out?" She whined, Cameron grabbing the discarded clothes on the floor and passing them to her. 

"I'm sorry, but sometimes things change, babe." He answered, not really being sorry.

"You said you wanted to be with me! You don't just say things like that!" She shouted, tears threatening to spill from her forest green eyes. He knew she was young, but did not expect gullible. He couldn't even keep up the charade with this. 

"I lied." Cameron had to be truthful, and right then is when she bursted into tears.

"Great. Another one." He mumbled, before walking towards his bedroom door. "Yeah, I'm sorry but I expect you out in 5 minutes or I'm going to have to call the cops." It was a false threat, but always worked as he left her in the bedroom and made his way downstairs.

He grabbed a cup from the cabinet, filling it with water as he leaned on the counter and waited for her to leave. He knew better than to trust she would escort herself out. He began to scroll through his phone and just like he expected, Terry or Tara, whatever the hell her name was- had left just like he had told her too, without uttering a word to him as she made her way out the door. He shook his head once he heard the door slam, answering a text he received earlier from Mario. Who was already at work.

Mario- Had fun last night, bro?

Cameron- I don't even know, I'll tell you if and when I remember it.

He quickly answered the text message, before dashing up the steps and getting ready for work. He took a nice long hot shower, climbing out and slipping on a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain white T- shirt. He never saw the purpose of getting all dressed up for work, when all his clothes would be off sooner or later.

As of recently, his therapy office had been getting more popular around town. He had a degree and was 100% licensed to practice sex therapy, but what made him special was the way he did it. Very discreetly, he used his fingers to get into intimate places with women, finding his method successful, although, if you asked the board- this is not what was happening. But it worked, and some patients such as Eileen was always willing to return the favor to him if he wanted, for all his dedication to the task at hand.

He grabbed his car keys and left his apartment when he was all done, stopping at the local coffee shop to grab himself a black coffee. 20 minutes later, and he had managed to get to his job without any problems, as he had avoided all traffic. On his way out the car, he checked his phone and there were 5 missed calls, all from his receptionist Natalie. Probably complaining on him being so late. He got out and walked inside the building, through the side/back door so only Natalie could see him enter. He was mask-less and it meant no big deal to him that she could see his identity, he knew her for all her life. 

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