| Chapter 18. |

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Rocking back in forth in the driver's seat of her car, Devin nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she contemplated her next move. It was nearing 1:15 in the afternoon, around the time that Cameron usually stopped at the local coffee shop around the corner from her therapist office but of course, she didn't know that.

She had already went to her job but decided that going through his credit card statements was crazy. She was not that desperate for this man. Plus, he knew where she worked now and she was sure he was more than capable of making a move if needed.

"Maybe he was kept a mystery for a reason..." She sighed, running a worried hand through her hair.

And it was the sound of Javon's light singing in the back that caught her attention, causing her to turn around and glance at her son. And that's when she saw him.

Sitting, with his head angled downwards as he repeatedly tapped on the screen to his cell phone. Without thinking, she un-clicked her seatbelt, Javon instantly stopping his singing. She jerked her head towards the door of the coffee shop, waiting as Javon climbed out of the backseat.

What a small world indeed. They winded up here because after leaving her job, she was idly driving and pulled over into a empty parking spot. But thank God for that.

"If you be a good little boy for mommy, I'll buy you some cookies," She said, latching her hand onto his as she guided them into the store. She heard her son list a bunch of cookies before she pointed at the couches and chairs in the front, letting go of his hand. "Go sit down, okay baby?"

She waited as Javon walked away from her, taking a seat on the couch as his eyes focused on the television screen in the top corner of the small area.

"Order #7!" The man behind the counter shouted, Devin turning to look around the crowded shop.

She watched the mystery man look down at a piece of paper in his hand, before he crumbled it up and made his way over to where the orders were being picked up.

She let out a shaky breath, before worming her way over to him. "I.. I didn't even know there was a coffee shop around here."

He turned to look at the owner of the voice, a genuine smile playing on his lips once he noticed her. "Hey you."

He couldn't believe it. Looking at it from Cameron's point of view, this was all playing out so much different than he expected. Now it was three run ins for Devin and her mystery man. And if he didn't know any better, he would think it was a sign. Too bad it was with him.

"Hey... I should be saying that. All the times you surprised me." She smiled so sweetly, as he raised an eyebrow. He smiled back at her, warmly, grabbing his coffee from in front of him.

"The compliments shouldn't surprise you. But would you like a drink? The coffee here is the best in town." He spoke, as she shook her head left to right.

"Uh, no. I came to..." She tried to come up with a legitimate excuse, before raising a convincing eyebrow. "Buy my son some cookies. Yeah, that."

"Oh. I must be distracting you then." He winked, grabbing his drink and bringing it to his lips. The bitter black coffee flavor splashing on his tongue.

"No, not at all," She answered quickly, staring into his blue eyes. "I'm... I'm actually glad that I ran into you."

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?" Cameron said, guiding them away from the crowd and back over to his table.

"Well, it's not often a stranger just ups and calls me beautiful." Devin blushed, Cameron nodding his head slowly. He had to play this whole scene smooth. He couldn't give off any indication that he was her therapist. But boy, was this hard.

"It's not everyday I see such a beautiful woman," He replied, fixing the sleeves to his leather jacket so she couldn't see his tattoos. "What's your name?"

She smiled, reaching out her hand for him to shake. "It's Devin. Devin Rodriguez."

"Cameron Woods, nice to put a beautiful name to a beautiful woman." He told her his real name, sipping his coffee again. Yeah, I know. He shouldn't have done that. But it's not like his name was anywhere around the office, he managed to keep his profile so underground since he started.

"Stop saying that." She giggled, as he smiled back at her.

"I'm only speaking the truth." Cameron continued, as she laughed.

"Mom! I want cookies." She heard a young boy's voice and she instantly knew that it was Javon. She let out a breath, glancing at Cameron.

"Uh, I guess it's my turn to go." She spoke, as Cameron nodded.

"I guess so." He replied.

"Okay. So, I guess... this is bye?" She said, standing up and starting to walk away from the table. He watched her, her shoulders a bit slumped and did the one thing he shouldn't have.

"Wait," Cameron called out. "You forgot something."

"Your number. That's if you want to give it to me. That way this doesn't have to be goodbye." Cameron noticed her uneasiness, and leaned across the table to grab a napkin. He went inside his pocket, pulling out a pen. It was the most nervous he had ever seen her as he handed it over.

"Thank you so much, beautiful. I'll call you." He responded, once she wrote the 10 digits. Yet again, she blushed and turned away, giving Cameron the chance to watch her backside. She began walking back to the counter, most likely to order the cookies that her son was screaming about and he shook his head.

Looking down at the watch on his wrist and checking the time. His break was over in 3 minutes, so he needed to start heading back to the office. He grabbed the napkin with her number, tossing it in the pocket of his jacket. Pulling out his cell phone as he made his way towards the door.

Cameron to Mario- Bro, don't get mad but Devin just gave me her number. And she wants to see me again.

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