| Chapter 20. |

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The powering husky smell of Burberry cologne (a different one) filled Cameron's nostrils as he prepared to go out for the night. It was a Friday evening, the first of many that Cameron wasn't going out with Mario. But rather, going out and doing something on his own.

"Where you going, bro?" Mario blew out a cloud of gray smoke, watching Cameron tie the laces to his white, black and blue nikes.

"Out." Cameron replied, standing up and walking over to the mirror, where he pushed his hair into a neat quiff on his head with his hand.

"Out where? You all dressed up and shit." Mario chuckled, Cameron ignoring his friend as he reached for the pale blue plaid shirt on the computer chair that he used as a jacket.

"If you must know, mom, I have a date." Cameron rolled his eyes, grabbing his car keys before he stopped in the mirror to check himself a final time.

"A date? You haven't been on one of those... since junior year," Mario raised a eyebrow quizzically, as Cameron shrugged his shoulders. "With who?"

"Devin." He answered lowly.

"I thought it was just sex, Cam?" Mario continued laughing, blowing out more nicotine in the air. He was standing at their patio door, making sure to keep the smoke out of the house.

"It is. But I feel bad, so I'm taking her out on this date and this date only. So she'll stop pouting around the office." Cameron grabbed the cigarette from Mario's fingers, taking a long hit. Obviously stressed from his date with Devin.

"Alright. Whatever you say. Just, don't be out too late, I guess." Mario laughed, removing the cigarette from Cameron, as he inhaled it again.

"I don't count on it." Cameron muttered, opening the front door and leaving their apartment.

He jumped into his truck, going to his text messages and typing Devin's address into his gps. He decided to stop at a flower shop on the way, picking up a rose for her. And not even 20 minutes later, he had arrived at Devin's apartment.

It was 6:05, meaning Cameron was five minutes late. He climbed out of his car, strolling into the lobby of her apartments. Cameron was pleased to see that she wasn't downstairs yet, so he decided waiting on one of the many benches. But it wasn't long before something caught his attention through his peripheral vision.

He stood up, Devin coming down the elevator with her hair pulled back into a tight sock bun with light makeup on her naturally beautiful face. She wore a form fitting red dress that he had never seen before, some matching red heels and went bold with a red lip to pull it together.

She looked breathtaking. And not only that, but red was his favorite color.

"Wow. Good evening, beautiful." Cameron greeted her, pulling the rose from behind his back and passing it over to his date.

She blushed, her cheeks feeling warm as she took the rose from him. "Thank you. You didn't have to get me this."

"I wanted too," Cameron replied smoothly, taking Devin's hand and leading her to his parked car on the street. "Let me help you with that."

He pulled open his passenger side door, allowing Devin to slide into the seat. She watched as he walked over to his side, gently licking her lips as she took in his outfit.

He wore fitted dark blue jeans, a white long sleeve hidden by a lighter blue plaid shirt that he paired with the perfect colored nikes. She crossed her legs slowly as Cameron jumped into the seat next to her, revving his truck to life. Instantly, a familiar rap song started pumping through the speakers inside of the car, Devin twisting her face up in shock.

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