| Chapter 12. |

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Devin surfed through the aisle of chairs, hot on Cami's heels as the loud blare coming from the large speakers squeaked. "Excuse me. May all the parents please have a seat?" 

"Cami, sit your ass down." Devin growled, following Cami down the row of crowded seats.

"Shut the hell up, I'm moving," Cami rolled her eyes. "There's like no spots in here." 

She plopped down in an old brown chair, Devin accompanying the one next to her. "I don't want to miss my baby. It's his first assembly as a first grader." Devin smiled, sitting her purse on her lap.

"Ooh. You're here for your son, too?" A tall white and older woman beamed, glancing at Devin.

"Sure am. He's winning an award," Devin grinned, as the woman clapped. "Star student."

"Congratulations! My daughter is performing with Mrs. Adams's class. Did dad come too or he's too busy with work, like my husband?" The woman questioned.

Devin's large smile quickly erased as she glanced at the woman. Cami coughed, taking notice of her best friend's blank expression.

"Uh, I came with her." Cami answered, as the woman raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. You're like that?" The woman asked.

"The fuck do you mean- like that? Like what?" Devin snapped, knowing what the woman was implying.

The stranger's eyes went wide. "Such a dirty mouth, oh my god. We are here for children."

"Bitch, I'll show you a goddamn dirty mouth." Devin growled, attempting to grab the woman before Cami tugged on her arm.

"Devin, chill. She's not worth it." Cami whispered, making Devin face her.

"This bitch is trying to say we're lesbians because Javon's father didn't show up and you want me to chill?" Devin snapped. "Fuck does he have to be here for? And what the fuck is wrong with lesbians?" 

"Devin! Calm down, okay? Your baby boy is about to come out and he'll be very upset if he sees that his mom got kicked out for starting a fight." Cami hissed.

"I'm not starting a fight. She's..."

"Shush! Shut up, Devin. Just get up and switch seats with me." Cami ordered, Devin reluctantly switching seats with her. She pulled her best friend close, whispering low so the woman didn't hear. "You still turned up, but I'm proud of you for being the bigger person. I guess therapy is working." 

"Good evening parents. Thank you for coming. Let's welcome Mrs. Adams class in their song for tonight" The loud voice shouted.

"Aw, look at my baby!" Devin exclaimed, her smile returning as she pointed her iPhone camera in the direction of Javon on stage. He looked adorable in his baby blue button up shirt and tie, with matching blue Nike sneakers. He was the sharpest and cutest little boy on the stage hands down.

"Look, Mi. The little girl next to him is his girlfriend." Devin giggled, as Cami shook her head.

"He's a little pimp, yo. Probably got tips from Brian." She joined in laughter with Devin.

20 minutes later, and Javon was given the award of star student of the week. And Devin was so proud of her son, that tears even fell. No matter it being just them, Javon was still a great and very smart student. Better than she could have ever dreamed. And this school award just proved that fact.

"Mommy! Look, I got an award." Javon shouted, running up to Devin as he waved the white award paper.

"I saw baby. Mommy saw." Devin answered, scooping Javon up into her arms.

"Are you proud of me? I heard mommies love you more if you win something." Javon tucked out his bottom lip, Devin held him tighter, giving him one million kisses to his face.

"I'm always proud of the most important thing in my life, baby. It doesn't even matter what you do or win. Because mommy thinks you're perfect just the way you are."

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