Chapter 1: A familiar face?

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This might be my first ever book that I have ever written, but hey, It's decent enough...
-Benjamin (Author)

Like usual, the start of the year marked a very depressing day as school had started. Ash Ketchum sat quietly on his bed at 4 am, pondering over what he wishes to accomplish this year...

"Oh man, School's starting soon, and I don't have a specific goal yet. Hmmm... How about getting a new girl? Misty in my opinion was horrible." Ash thought to himself.

Misty, Ash's "previous girlfriend" had bossed him around so much he didn't have the chance to get some free time, which left him to finally give up on her.

"Pika?" Ash's partner, Pikachu, had woken up from the movement of Ash.

"Hey there buddy. Had a nice sleep?" Pikachu cooed as Ash stroked its tail.

"Come on, lets get back to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." Both then fell back into la-la land.

"Ash... Time to wake up" Delia, Ash's mum, called out. Ash rubbed his eyes, washed up, wolfed down his breakfast and picked up his backpack.

Let's get this straight, I want this year to better than last's. So I will hopefully try satisfy my minds cravings. I hope...

Ash opened the door and stepped out.

"Ash!" Delia called out "You don't need a ride there?"

"No mum, it's a new year and I want to start off by walking there. Is there a objection mum?"

"Suit yourself, just have fun Ok?"

"I will, mum.. "

On the way to school, Ash met a couple of his friends, Gary, Paul, Cilan, Clemont. They began discussing about what they want to accomplish this year.
Gary: "ooh I want to get a girlfriend... "
Paul: "That's what you say every year... As for me.. I just hope to pass all my subjects... "
Cilan: "Hope Iris will ask me out... "
Clemont: "To be the top in the level."
All: "What about you Ash?"
Ash: "Well... I just hope to get a new girlfriend. See none of them suit me"
Gary: "well you are still a bae magnet"
This was partly true as Ash has a lot of admirers.

The gang walked for a few minutes and just right before they entered the school compund, Ash heard the most dreaded sound he wanted to hear.

"Ash my babe... Come here.... " Ash turn around to see a excited Misty running up to him. However, right before Misty manage to get her lips planted on Ash's cheek, Ash pushed her away, announcing "Misty... You and I are not working... We are breaking up... "

There was an awkward silence before Gary broke it with a whistle.

"What???!!!! No way. Ash Ketchum, I think you have see the wrong person."

Misty fought back her tears.

"You heard that right... " Ash said heartlessly before walking away from the girls gang. The girls gang comprised of almost all the girls that have dated Ash before. (Basically, Dawn, May, Iris, Misty, Miette, Shauna) "Well... That was interesting... " Shauna commented. It is game on... Miette thought in her mind.

Back to the boys gang...
"woah man nice job doing that." Paul commented.

"yeah a girlfriend would ruin your studies that's why I don't have one." Clemont continued.

"Bullshit... It's because you can't get one girl that you like..." Gary countered Clement, causing Clemont to feel embarrassed.

Just then, a girl with a red fedora, honey blonde hair, blue eyes, a ribbon on her collar with a red waistcoat and stockings approached them.

"May I know where is class 2E at.. " Ash was caught by the stunning voice of the girl.

"u-um i-its just a-ahead, t-turn round the corner and you will see it... " Ash stammered.

"oh thank you very much... " the girl said as she walked away.

"ooh Ashy boy has a crush on her already... " Gary mocked Ash.

"Oh shut up" Ash smacked Gary's head.

"Wait guys, she asked for class 2E right? That's our class!" Cilan exclaimed.

"ooh Ash have a wonderful year... "Gary congratulated Ash. "oh shut up." Giving Gary another slap.

In class, Ash couldn't find the girl with the honey blonde hair. Ash's mind sank. Maybe she realised she asked for the wrong class. Just then the bell rang and the teacher, Professor Sycamore, came to class. "Class stand" Clemont ordered as he was appointed as the class chairperson.

After they greeted professor sycamore, the professor would ramble on with his wonderful and "touching" start of the year speech. "Hello guys, welcome back to another year of school. Miette stop staring outside of the window. I hope that you will get to know each other better and Misty stop staring at Ash. I know you might be in a relationship but please stop it.''

Ash groaned.

''Eat healthily and exercise more often and that's right Tierno stop giving me that look. And as per usual your sitting arrangement will be as follows...''

Ash looked at the sitting plan. He heaved a sigh of relief as he saw that his table would be together with a girl called Serena. He was hoping that he would not be paired up with Misty or any of his ex and including Miette as she find her quite ugly. But who exactly was Serena? Everyone settled and realised that Ash had a empty seat next to him.

"Did the janitor bring in an extra table? I will have to tell them.. "Clemont sighed.

"That would be unnecessary" Everyone looked at Professor Sycamore. "May I introduce you to a new student? Please welcome her."

Ash's eyes brightened....

Trailer of Pokemon Kalos High:

Well guys that's it if you like it thanks. Hope you enjoyed it. I will be uploading only on my free time so I am very sorry if you will want a sequel immediately. I will try to find time for this.. Thanks. Amour!!

Oh and the Ash thinking Miette is ugly part, I am not trying to be a sexist but I just want ash to get along with Serena. Maybe I will include her in the future..

For now I hoped you enjoyed the chapter..

Signing off: Benjamin
Visit and follow me at: S17benjamin

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