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Rings ring ring.

"Hello?" It was the school calling.

"Hi sir I'm calling to inform you you're son jihoon is currently on his way to the emergency room, because." He stopped.

"WHY!" I yelled my anxiety building up as I waited impatiently.

"Jimin, he attempted suicide." Namjoon said in a sorrowful voice. Questions rushed through my head as  I rushed throughout the house and then grabbing yoongi telling him to go to the hospital and I'll explain on the way.


I ran into the hospital with yoongi tailing me as I ran the the desk.

"I'm here to see Min Jihoon" I said and waited impatiently for the lady give me directions.

Tears were streaming down my face as we walking into the elevator.

"Babe your gay is showing." Yoongi hugged me and kissed my forehead. I laughed dryly through my tears.

I clinged to yoongi's hand as we approached the wide hospital door coverering my son from my sight.

I let go of yoongi's hand after hesitating. I opened the door afraid to look.

"Oh my god jihoon!" I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Ow dad, my ribs!" He stuttered in pain.

"I'M SO SORRY!" The tears fell faster and then I looked up to notice a boy by him wearing football pads and looking hella awkward.

He bowed and hit his head on the side of the hospital bed. He held his head and introduced himself.

"Um hello sir, I'm hoshi. You're sons friend."

"Why did he do it?" I snapped at him. Yoongi grabbed my hand and I calmed down as he told me.

"Well he's been bullied for all of his school years but hasn't cared. Then today this group of guys on my team called him gay and a fag and bead him to the ground, we'll pushed him. Then I came to help but they pushed me over him and took a picture.

"They posted the picture all over school and said things like kill yourself or worthless fagget." He paused and wiped his tears.

"I was in practice when I saw him on the roof of the school and I ran to him. I got to him just a second to late, he was on the ground in front of me do I told the coach to call the ambulance and now we're here." He finished.

This boy seems like he's more than just a friend. Or likes jihoon more than a friend.

Maybe I should tell woozi.

Maybe it's all because of my shielding.

Half of this chapter deleted itself so I just re-wrote it cus I love you fam.


Edit that out♡ {Yoonmin} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now