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"I'm gay." He looked ready to take hate and shut himself off from the world. I stayed frozen replaying the scene in my head before telling him.

"I am too." He looked relieved and calmed down after I said that. I want to kiss him. I thought as he leaned in.
Inches, centimeters, millimeters apart.

A crash echoed through the room as Jin entered alone, but the others close behind. Hoshi jumped away from me and bowed asking him to forget what he saw. He nodded and started cleaning up. Hoshi helped him as Namjoon, yoongi, and my dad walked into the dull room. Yoongi looked very uncomfortable and tenced.

I guess he doesn't like hospitals.

I brushed it off but soon realized he doesn't like it because of the mental hospital and his past. I looked at him and offered him a seat. We smiled and gummy like smile and sat down. My dad sat right my him, and they talked as hoshi and I secretly exchanged numbers and gave eachother happy and inviting glances. Instead of our old awkward shifty glances.

My dad and yoongi soon left and namjoon went with. Jin told them he'd be down in a sec and as soon as the door closed he turned to us smirking.

"So..." he started and paused for dramatic effect, "are you two are thing?" I choked on my spit. Only in my dreams mr.kim.

He looked at our confused oblivious faces and laughed.

"Mk then! Have a good night boys! Don't stay up to late!" He left us to a silent and wanting atmosphere.

"Can I continue?" He asked and nodded shyly. He leaned down and closer. I could feel his breath on my skin. Soon our lips met.

It was like seeing light and color for the first time. I can't explain the feeling or action or anything except for the word, perfect.

Tho we were obviously far from it. The word was spot on.

"having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be."

It's the closest to perfect that I've ever been.

We pulled away. I miss the warmth already. His lips were addictive. I wanted more. I couldn't get over them. The only thing I could think of, and the only thing I wanted.

They wernt kidding when they said that just one time can be the time you get addicted. Because I'm a victim of that fate. But with such a good drug.


I'm sorry I'll leave.

Love you guys!


P.s I see you Elizabeth. I will find you and I will embarrass you.

Edit that out♡ {Yoonmin} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now