Chapter 3

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"Where the hell is Viktor?" Yurio thought to himself, and he walked into the baggage claim. His eyes scanned the room, looking for his new coach. "At least he's not drawing too much attention to himself." The last thing Yurio wanted was for news channels, or if he still had any left, fans to notice him and share his location with the world. To prevent this, He wore a large black sweatshirt, with the hood up, to cover his face, along with sunglasses. He had also put a suitcase cover over his tiger-print bag. A tall man wearing a tan overcoat and a weathered brown backpack walked to the young skater. He had a red beanie hat on, to hide his silver hair, and yellow McDonald's sunglasses, so nobody could see his eyes.

"Viktor, You look ridiculous." Yurio hissed in Russian.

"You asked me to not draw too much attention to you, and this was the only thing I could get on such short notice." Viktor retired.

"We both know you bought those 3 years ago to piss of Yakov." Yurio hissed.

"Sorry, I was trying to cheer you up." Viktor removed the McDonald's sunglasses and stuffed them into his bag. "Let's go get your luggage."

"Great idea, couldn't have thought of a better one myself." Yurio sarcastically commented. He and Viktor silently walked to the baggage terminal, where Yurio reached for his bag, but before he could grab it, Viktor took it out of the winding conveyor belt and pulled it behind him.

"I can carry my own luggage you know," Yurio commented.

"Are you sure? This suitcase is as big as you, and you're already sweating. Are you going to have the rest of your belongings shipped from Russia?" Viktor asked

"Нет, everything I need is in there." Yurio coldly responded, and a wisp of blond hair drifted in front of his face, peeking out from under the sweatshirt. The young boy quickly tucked it away. In his suitcase were clothing, his skates, a few posters, and his medals. Whatever clothing didn't fit in the large bag, he wore. It felt like he was drowning in a sea of fabric and sweat, but Yurio didn't have much choice. "Is there going to be a giant welcome party at the inn, Because I asked you and Yuuko especially not to throw one?"

"Нet. I just want to let you know, that if you ever want to talk about anything, just-" Viktor started before Yurio punched him in the face.


"I apologize. I forgot how you don't like to talk about things like that." Viktor apologized, rubbing his cheek with his free hand. "Oh, one more thing. Don't you dare do anything like that Yuri."

"Why not?" Yurio mockingly questioned. "Is it because he's your precious husband?"

"Because he's pregnant," Viktor growls. He had never felt this angry before, Yurio better not dare hurt his child.

"Is that why you took me on as a skater because you had no better option?! Do you pity me or something?!?!" Yurio screamed.

"What do you want to eat?" Viktor suggested.


"You're always grumpy when you get hungry. Or you're uncomfortable."

"Why do you think that?"

"We've been rink mates since you were 8 years old."

"Shut up! I just want to unpack." Yurio scowled. They walked for a minute in silence, but before long, Yurio's stomach growled. "I want food."


After a 20-minute train ride and a short walk, and a visit to a crepe stand,  Yurio, and Viktor finally arrived at YU-Topia inn. Viktor had taken off his beanie and had offered to hold Yurio's sweatshirt, but Yurio refused. Even though wearing 4 layers of clothing had made him slowly lag behind Viktor, He just wanted to go inside and unpack, he didn't want a single soul to see him wearing a third of his wardrobe like he was some sort of peasant. He has spent nearly 10 years trying to kill that image of himself.

But as the two Russians walked under the archway, yurio saw a figure dash from the window, out of the corner of his eye, Yurio saw a figure putting up a poster with Russian lettering. At that moment, something inside him snapped. A red-hot feeling ignited right between his chest and his stomach. Vitor hand lied to him, Yuuko and lied to him. They had both promised him that nobody was going to make a big deal out of this and they lied. Yurio was so engulfed in rage that he didn't notice Yuuko dashing out the door.  He didn't hear her try and tell him that he had she had tried her best to stop everyone from forming a last-minute greeting party in the lobby and she had tried to stop Minako from making the poster. He couldn't think of anything but how they had betrayed him, even though they really didn't. At that moment, yurio could think of nothing except that he needed to get away from the traitors he had thought of as nearly family. He needed to get away, anywhere that wasn't here.

And in that moment, he was thankful that he was sweating harder than he had ever sweat before because as he ran off, nobody would be able to tell that he was crying.

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