Hi Everybody!!!! I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry for not posting a chapter in over a month!!!! I was having some extreme writer's block, and my personal life has been super stressful, so I haven't had the time or energy to write anything that I thought was worthy to put out. I just want to thank everybody so very much for taking the time to deal with all of my insanity and I just want to let you know that I do have the next chapter in the works, so it should be out within the next two weeks, and I love you all and thank you so much for reading!!!!!!
11:42 am
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Hasestu CastleYurio Plisetsky walked into Hasestu Castle, silently cursing the Japanese Yuri for apparently being too sick to teach his own damn skating class. He has texted Yurio that morning, asking if he could cover the class, and that it was one time thing and he would totally make it up to him and that he was really only just supervised because the kids already know what to do and all that crap, but Yurio was mostly doing it to get out of doing the online college class he took. He had been talking all his classes, college, and high school, all online ever since he came to Hasestu, nearly 7 years ago. It seemed surreal to yurio, that it had been 7 years since everything had happened.
He quickly checked the clock and went onto the ice. The ice was split lengthways into 4 equal sections by orange cones. On the wall of each section was convince a piece of paper labeling witch class went in each section. The two sections with the most wall space already had classes going on and were for the tiny kids who couldn't have been any younger than 2 and were too little for normal skates. Basics 2, the class Yurio was supervising, was in the center-right section.
Over a course of 15 minutes, 6 confused and small children who looked to be about 4 to 5 years old went into Yurio's section and formed a line. They were all dressed in bike helmets, winter jackets, thick gloves, and snow pants, with name tags on their helmets. A few kids even had knee pads and shoulder pads on, causing Yurio to mentally roll his eyes. Sure you could fall down in skating, but it wasn't nearly as dangerous as these parents seemed to think. And the rink wasn't at all cold enough to need all that snow gear. Yurio cold remember when Maria was this age, and The Japanese Yuri had tried to put Maira in all that crap. Thankfully Viktor was able to shoot the idea down. If you fall, you fall, and then you learn how to not do it again. That was Yurio's perspective on the whole thing.
The child on the very left end of the line was covered head-to-toe in emoji clothing and was named Airi. "Excuse me?" She inquired. "Where is Nikiverof-sensi?"
"He's sick, so I'm going to be your teacher today," Yurio responded, putting on the same face and tone of voice he used with Maira when he was teaching her.
"Ok." Airi accepted.
The boy right next to her, Ichirou was in different shades of blue and was the only kid that was wearing Hockey skates. Why the heck would this kids parents put him in hockey skates?! They didn't have a toepick, making them completely different and almost impossible to do any real skating
"What stuff are we going to do?" Ichirou asked, in a voice so soft that Yurio could barely hear him. before the girl next to him, Yumi shoved him.
"Ichirou knows how class works, he just wants to race!" Yumi shouted, her pigtails bouncing all around. Even stupider than Ichiro's parents, someone had decided it was a good idea to stick Yumi's hair through the holes of her pink bike helmet, creating pigtails. Yurio swore that if he ever had any kids of his own with Otabek, in 10 or 20 years or something, he would never be as incompetent kids' parents.
"Woah let's not shove people today!" Yurio corrected, as he skated over to Ichirou, and crouched down to comfort the boy.
But of course, the second he calmed Ichirou down, he turned around, and The girl next to Yumi, Hibiki, had pushed her for shoving Ichirou, and the two were this close to being in a full-blown fight. Yurip quickly skated in the middle of them and pushed them away from each other,

On Love: Agape!!!
FanfictionAfter the new Yuri Nikiforov gets home from his wedding, he finds out that he is expecting! But unfortunately, things aren't going so well on Yurio's side of the story. If the science part is messing you up, just come up with whatever explanation wo...