Chapter 29

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January 24th,2018
5:16pm (17:16)

Maria lied in her crib, and was doing some strange motion that neither of her parents could absolutely figure out. Normal when she was lying down, she would do little stretches or kicks, and seemed to be moving just for the sake of it. Today however, she kept moving just her left shoulder, and seemed to be trying to touch her right shoulder with it. Viktor had watched her do it for hours, and there was a look of determination on her face, as if she was trying to do something, and was thisclose to getting it done. When Yui had gotten home from his job at Ice Castle, he joined Viktor at Maria's crib side and the two dads watched their daughter repeat the same motion for a good 15 minutes.

"What do you think she's doing?" Yuri asked Viktor.

"I think she's trying to roll over. One time she was able to get enough force in her elbow to slights tilt, and she seemed really happy with herself when she did." Viktor hypoizised.

"Viktor she's two months old. She's not trying to roll over." Yuri corrected.

"She is!" Viktor insisted.

"Babies roll over at 4 months." yuri asserted.

"Who do you trust, some random parenting site or your husband who has been watching her try and roll over all day." Viktor reasoned.

"I don't think it's physically possible for her to roll over just using her shoulder." Yuri stated.

"Are you saying that Masha isn't smart enough to realize that she needs to move her shoulder back to the left before thrusting it forward and do the same motion with her knee at the exact same time?" viktor accused yuri, while sneaking in a helpful hint for mahsa. Yuri had just said that it couldn't be done, so now Viktor's brain accepted it as a challenge.

"No! Absolutely not! I'm just saying that Maria's a bit young to start rolling over is all." Yuri clarified, seeming a bit guilty.

"Whatever you say Yuri, whatever you say." Viktor conforted, putting his right arm over his husband's shoulder. And something inside of the two parents gave them the signal that they should probably take a video of their 2 month old daughter. Not even two seconds after they started recording, Maira proved Yuri wrong and Viktor right, and rolled from back to front.

And Viktor could have sworn that the smile that Maria put on afterwards wasn't just one of "Yay! I finally did the thing I've been working at all day!", but was also a smirk that said "I decided what's possible"

January 26th, 2018

Viktor: Hi Yuri

Yuri: It's 4:29 in the morning, where are you?

Viktor: About half an hour ago Masha woke up for a bottle but didn't go back to sleep, and because she's been making so much noise when she's wake, I put her 4 layers of clothing and all of her winter stuff then took her out on a walk to try and get her to fall asleep, but then it started to get too cold and now it's snowing. Thankfully, we were right near Ice castle, so were camping out in there

Yuri: Are you guys ok?!

Viktor: Yeah, we're fine. I had the security code written down on my phone, so we're just going to wait here for a few hours until I can call a taxi.

Yuri: In the back room, I stocked up my drawer with a can of formula, a bottle, and diapers for a just in case scenario. My code is 2327. I wish there was more I could do to help.

Viktor:Большое спасибо.(thanks a lot)

Yuri: You're welcome. The thermostat is in the back room too. Stay warm

Viktor turned off his phone and stuffed it in his pocket. It was much warmer in the lobby of the rink than it was outside. Masha, who was lying on one of the benches in the locker room, had been this close to falling asleep, but was so stimulated by being in Ice Castle that she seemed to forget she was tired. Viktor decided to just throw in the towel and let her stay up, after all, it wasn't like she was bothering anyone. Viktor sat down next to her and took Masha in his arms.

"Looks like it's just you and me in here for a few hours, Masha," He told her. "Do you have any ideas of what to do?"

"Aggbishiguia" Masha gurgled, and Viktor wasn't sure it was in response or not.

"I know how much you like music, we could use the stereo and play some Sleeping Beauty, would you like that?" Viktor suggested.


"I'll take that as a yes."  Viktor stood up and entered the rink. The lights were off, and the falling slow give the ice a brightness and the room a magical electricity that Viktor had never felt before, so he didn't turn on the lights. With one hand, he gradually connected his phone to the speaker and played  "Awakening", from the Sleeping Beauty soundtrack. She loved music, Viktor remembered that when they watched the GPF, she paid rather close attention to the music that the skaters used. As usual, Masha perked right up when hearing her favorite music, and Viktor started to move her back and forth to the song, looked over at the ice, and got a crazy Idea. No, Yuri would never let him. But Yuri didn't need to know. He paused the music.

Viktor took Masha and went into the locker room, put her down, grabbed his skates from his locker(even though he wasn't Yurio's coach anymore, Takeshi still let him keep them there, after all, it's not he would never skate again) put them on, laced them up, and picked up Masha.

He re-entered the rink, and the snow had let up a little, giving the pale moon enough power to shine through the window, magically illuminating the ice. Viktor opened the door to the ice, removed the skates guards, held on to Masha tighter than he ever, and stepped on.

He very slowly skated in a line to the end of the rink, then stopped completely to, see how Masha reacted.

She was, for the first time, completely still. Her small eyes were wider than he had ever seen. She started at her Papa and gave him a heart-shaped smile that was so big, Viktor could barely believe that her face was big enough to hold it. What could he have possibly done to deserve her?

"Did you like that, Masha?" Viktor whispered to his daughter.

She cooed.

Viktor smiled back at her, turned, and skated back the other way. They repeated the process, skating, stopping, smiling, turning, then skating again all the way until it was time to go.

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