Week 8, April 2017
Good morning, sleeping beauty." Viktor whispered in my ear. I groaned and turned over.
"What time is it?" I groggily responded. Sleeping was the only time when I didn't feel sick to my stomach.
"Time to wake up!" Viktor reiterated, giggling. Even though I'm so exhausted I feel like I'm covered in a layer of thick mud, I open one eye and see that it's still dark.
"No, it's still dark out."
"That's because the curtains are closed, little piggy." Viktor giggled he gracefully sat up and waved his hand, causing a Sakura tree to grow. A slight breeze made the newly grown petals dance over to the window, and pull back the curtains, to show the Garden of Versailles. "I texted the Tornado from the Wizard of Oz, and it dropped us off here for a day of romance! First stop, bre-"
"BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." Viktor's phone shouted. His hand reached over, and his beautiful fingers fumbled to shut if off. The small glow from his cell phone caught his wedding/engagement ring, making it sparkle. Once, he had turned off the alarm, he leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.
"Sorry I woke you up, sleeping beauty." He whispered. "Early practice with Yurio this morning."
"You interrupted my dream," I mumbled back.
"What was it about?" Viktor coaxed.
"You were taking me to France." I blabbered back.
"I apologize, go back to sleep, I'll meet you there." Viktor smiled and walked out of the room. But as soon as I get comfortable again, a very common side effect of pregnancy carries out, and I need to get up anyway and use the bathroom.
Hello everyone, Yuri Nikiforov here! It has been a very interesting month here in Hasestu. On February 21st, I found out I was pregnant. It's still very early on, so to Viktor's utter despair, the only signs of our child's existence are me feeling nauseous 24/7, having terrible mood swings, and constantly needing to use the bathroom. Not to mention very vivid, strange dreams and intense mood swings. Victor is inspecting my stomach at least once a day, trying to find the bump. I don't think I've ever seen him so excited and giddy. Yurio however, was unable to appeal the decision made by the Russian Skating Association and has to skate for the JSF, which he is not happy about. Viktor said the best thing we can do for Yurio is to act like nothing's different, so that's what we've been doing. I hope he's holding up ok.
"Took you long enough to get out of the house." Mari snarked. Because I can't skate, I've been helping out at the inn. Mom has asked the two of us to go to Target and get more dish soap."
"I'm sorry, I had some morning sickness." I apologized.
"You don't have to apologize every time," Mari replies. She shied, rolled her eyes, and as we walked she started to pull out a cigarette.
"MARI!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! RIGHT NOW?!" I shout, immediately sitting fifteen meters away.
"Oh sorry. I forgot I can't even enjoy a cigarette because of your fragile child." She sarcastically mumbled under her breath The second she finishes, I feel the tears well up in my eyes.
"Why would you say something like that?! I cry. "This has been really hard for me too ok? Do you have any idea how it feels to nearly constantly live in the bathroom? Or how hard it is to not be able to not be able to skate?!"
"Ok, ok! I get it!" Mari consoles. "I forgot you can't just skate away your troubles. Let's just go to the store and go home." And just like that, we silently walk to the store. Mari's brutal honesty and sarcasm never bothered me before, but I guess the Hormones are being really difficult. In a few minutes, I am able to calm myself down.
When we actually get to the store, Mari grabs my hand and looks me dead in the face. "Do. Not. Get. Distracted. We are hear to get dish soap and nothing else. Noting. Else. Got it?" She commands
I nod my head but wear a look of slight confusion. I haven't wandered off in a store since I was 8 years old, why does she think this would be a problem now? Mari lets go of me, and we step through the sliding glass doors, and I immediately see why she warned me. I haven't been to Target since the GPF, and as if they were trying to torture me, all of the sections have been re-shuffled. And of course, the baby section is right in front. All of the little onesies, blankets, binkies, cribs, and even the little bottles are cuter than I ever could have imagined. I need to go over there now, we don't have any baby stuff and it's all here. I don't have a choice, and as I start to take one step forward, Mari grabs my arm and hold me back, but my feet stay firmly planted on the ground.
"Oh god no! Yuri, your eyes are getting big and glazing over, WE ARE HEAR FOR DISH SOAP!" Mari shouts.
"Bbbuut-" I start, trying to inch my way over. Her grip is surprisingly tight
"NO!" She shirked.
"Weneedstuuu-" I chanted, taking a step toward the baby section.
"WHAT ABOUT VIKTOR?!?!" Mari screamed, with more desperation than I have ever heard her use. "Don't you think he wants to do the shopping too?"
And just like that, I snap out of my trance. I turn to her, and when she see's that I am back to myself, she breathes a sigh of relief. We turn and walk to the other side of the store, where the cleaning supplies are. I swear, I haven't gone into a trance-like that since the Rostelecom Cup, where I hugged everyone like I was some sort of Zombie. And Mari is right, Viktor definitely needs to be here when all of the baby stuff is picked out. Hopefully, that will happen soon.

On Love: Agape!!!
Fiksi PenggemarAfter the new Yuri Nikiforov gets home from his wedding, he finds out that he is expecting! But unfortunately, things aren't going so well on Yurio's side of the story. If the science part is messing you up, just come up with whatever explanation wo...