Chapter 13

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Hello, everyone! Something you probably don't know about me is that I am a HUGE Hamilton fan! My best friend is also into both Hamilton and YOI, so they helped write this chapter. I DO NOW OWN HAMILTON I JUST LOVE IT  FOR THE SECOND TIME I DO NOT OWN HAMILTON! Thanks for reading!


Yurio stood outside Minako's dance studio, staring at the door, waiting for her class to end. This was the class, the one with the student that had done it. When he found that kid, Yurio swore h e was going to make them sorry, after all, they did this to him. The week before, Yurio had gone to Minako's studio to do some game that would in Viktor words, help him "be more in tune with the music". The game itself wasn't bad, and it did help a little, but what really stuck with him was the music. One of Minako's students had swapped the CD that she was going to use for Yurio with one that had this American Musical on it. Even though it only played the first few notes of the first song, Dun dun dun dun dun, the music had played in Yuri's head on repeat. Dun dun dun dun dun. Where he went. Getting ready, Dun dun dun dun dun. Walking to Ice Castle, dun dun dun dun dun. Even during practice,(which was really messing with his performance) dun dun dun dun dun. He figured if he could listen to the song again, maybe hearing the full version would finally banish these notes from his head, or at the least, give his brain something else to play. So that's why he was standing outside Minako's studio. he would find the kid who left the Cd, get the name of the song, then go back to his room at the Inn and listen to the song on YouTube.

"さて、それは、我々は完了です! 来週皆さんに会いましょう! エスコ、実際に練習してください、アイコ、もしあなたが私が去ってもそれを聴かなければならないなら、今度はあなたの音楽を忘れるなよ、私は君を傷つけるだろう!" Minako shouted, as her class grabbed their things and exited the door. The last one to leave was a boy with short black hair, wearing earbuds. Yurio knew that this was the one because he was humming the Song that was stuck in Yurio's head.

"Hey! Who are you?" Yukio shouted.

"Fukuoka Aiko, nice to meet you. Who are you?" The boy coolly responded, still wrapped up in his music.

"I'm Yuri Plisetsky, and you left that CD in Minako's CD player!!! And that stupid song had been playing in my head for a week!" Yurio hollered.

"Why are you upset? Hamilton's the best musical ever!"

"So that's what it's called," Yurio muttered to himself, then turned to leave.

"Wait, you haven't listened to the whole song?" Aiko shouted after him.

"Your teacher turned it off after the first few notes," Yurio explained. Aiko let put a heavy sigh.

"Minko-sensi hates Hamilton, she says it's not 'Ballet appropriate'. I left the CD in her CD player, hoping maybe she would just listen to it on repeat until she liked it. I can't deal with being the only Hamilton fan in this entire stupid town. Oh hey, wanna listen to the rest of the song? Yuri, do not throw away your shot." Aiko divulged.

"Yes." Yurio recooked. Aiko walked over to Yurio and handed him one of the ear buds. Yurio put it in, and Aiko started up the Music.

"Dun dun dun dun dun do do do do" The music started. This was it, Yurio thought. Finally, this stupid song will be out of my head. "How does a Bastard, Orphan, Son of a Hore and a Scotsman, dropped i. The middle of a forgotten-"

3 minutes and 45 seconds later, there was something more inside Yurio. Aiko could sense this as well, and respond:

"I have to go, or my Mom's going to worry, but I have a couple of suggestions. Meet me here same time, same place, next week and we will discuss. Do not throw away your shot."

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