Chapter 25

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At 1:23, Friday, November 24th, 2017, Viktor Nikiforov started to silently cry. He started crying harder than he had ever cried before. Viktor Nikiforov, father, husband, and figure skating legend had officially missed the birth of his Daughter, Maria Mai Nikiforova, who he affectionately called Masha.

'Why didn't I just stay home?' Viktor asked himself, tears streaming down his face. 'I should have known it was too risky. Why did I think I could possibly make it in time!'

"Sir? Are you ok? What's wrong?" A female-sounding voice asked. Viktor half-snapped out of his trance and looked up, to see a teenage girl. Her long purple hair was in a high ponytail, and she had on a pale yellow shirt and jeans with a daisy pattern on them.

"My husband with extreme anxiety is in emergency surgery and I missed my daughter's birth! How could I be ok?!" Viktor shouted.

"So your husband is having a C-section?" she clarified.

"Да. I should have known that she was coming today, I should have known!" Viktor cried.

"So was he due today? Did you just get the call?" The girl inquired.

"Het. The c-section was scheduled for November 28th, 20:17 at 3:30 pm!(15:30). But Yuri went into labor early, and I was on FaceTime with him when it started, but no phones are allowed in the Operating room!" Viktor sobbed. To Viktor, the guilt felt like something was layering heavy blanket after heavy blanket on his shoulders, making it nearly impossible to move and tell what was going on around him.

"Hey, it's ok." The teenage girl consoled

"No, it's not! And there's nothing I can do!"

"Exactly. You are trying your best, you can't control how fast the train goes. And I can tell, you're an amazing Dad and Husband." She reasoned.

"How?" Viktor sniffled. "I missed Masha's birth! And now everyone thinks I don't care about her or Yuri!"

"Because you're so upset. Nobody who you in this state would ever question your love for your husband and daughter. I know I certainly don't." The girl explained.

"Thank you so much." Viktor thanked, wiping the tears from his eyes. And while this girls pep talk didn't take away all of the guilt, it definitely took off one of the heavy blankets.

"Now approaching, Ikisan Satiation." A robotic voice stated over the loudspeaker.

"This is my stop. Congratulations and good luck. I hope everything works out!" The teen called, exiting the train.

Viktor bolted off the train, dashed down to street to the hospital, flew down the hallway, and only slowed down when he heard the sweet, sweet sound of his husband, Yuri Nikiforov, coming from room 5-42

"You are the luckiest baby in the whole world, Maira. You know why? Your Papa is the nicest, kindest, most caring person I have ever met. Even before you could even hear, he always greeted you in the morning. And before we knew your name, he would call you Baby Nikiforova. Ever since we've had pictures of you, he's held them as his cell phone home screen and lock screen, and if he ever wanted to get anything done on his phone, it would take him an extra minute, because he was always admiring you. Every day he showed how much he loved and cared for you, I can't wait for you to meet him."

Viktor knocked on the door and could feel Yuri's smile.

"'And you don't have to wait any longer." Yuri smiled. Viktor opened the door. He didn't notice the white walls of the hospital room or the large window that gave a breathtaking view of Fukuoka. All he noticed was the breathtaking view right in front of him. Yuri was sitting, upright, and in his arms was the most beautiful girl on the face of the planet. Viktor walked over to Yuri's bedside, and without even needing to say anything, Yuri handed Maria to Viktor.

 Viktor walked over to Yuri's bedside, and without even needing to say anything, Yuri handed Maria to Viktor

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Maria's big blue and teal eyes stared up at her Papa. They were perfect, beautiful, well shaped, and marched Viktor's exactly. Surrounding those beautiful oceans, was a pale head, shaped in a perfect oval. Growing out of her amazingly beautifully perfect head was long, silky black hair, the most opaque Dr.Tsuchiya, and all the nurses had ever seen. Everything about her was perfect, and the most beautiful thing Viktor and Yuri had ever seen.

And as Viktor held his newborn daughter in his arms, she stared directly at him, and at the same time, the two Nikiforovs gave each other the same heart-shaped smile. And that smile, that beautiful, adorable, gorgeous, perfect smile opened up a whole new door.

The amount of agape love washed over Viktor like a wave. This is what Agape felt like. Viktor felt slightly ashamed, after all, how could he have given Yuro such a hard time about finding out what Agape meant to him when Viktor himself had no idea? But now he did, Viktor absolutely understood what agape love meant. And anyway what was so good about figure skating? It was just slipping around on cold water, with the hope of maybe winning a lump of metal. The last 28years of Viktor's life seemed so small, so insignificant compared to right now, compared to the life of his daughter, Mahsa Nikiforova. She had already changed the world, and she wants even an hour old. It was time to start a new chapter, time to start the world anew through the eyes of this little goddess.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Certificate of Birth:

Name: Maria Mai Nikiforova
Parents: Yuri Nikiforov and Viktor Nikiforov
Carrier: Yuri Nikiforov
Date of birth:November 24th, 2017
Time of birth: 1:23pm (13:23)
Place of birth: Hasetsu Maternity Clinic
Ob/Gyn: Haruka Tsuchiya
Weight: 3.5 kg
Length: 51 cm
Blood type: O

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