Chapter 28

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January 7th, 2018

"Yuri, are you sure you want me to go? What if something happens, and Mahsa gets sick for you get sick or you both get sick or the roof caves in and aliens take over the world or-" Viktor reasoned. The both of us are standing at Maria's crib, watching over her, making sure she's breathing. The funny thing is, she's never ever still. When she's awake, she's squirming and wiggling. And when she's asleep, like right now, her arms and legs slowly move back and forth, her tiny perfect hands make fists and the release. Once she starts to crawl, we're going to be toast.

"Viktor, it's fine. Maria's a month old, and Yurio's been more than patient. It's time." I confirmed. The last 6 weeks have been a blur of tears, bliss, and interrupted sleep. It's incredible, if you think about it, that someone can scream and cry for 5 hours straight, all because said person has a cold they caught from the recent GPF gold mentalist. It's also incredible that a person can function off of less than 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. However, as much as Viktor and I wouldn't trade fatherhood for anything, it's time for Viktor to go back to coaching.

Even before Maria was conceived, I knew in my heart that I was ready to retire. Viktor and I talked it over together, and Originally, we were going to bring Maria to the rink, so we didn't have to be separated. But Yurio said that he wouldn't be ok with that until she wouldn't majority interrupt anything. Seeing as the rink was as much His space at it was Viktor's, we agreed to those terms, but before she was ready to do that, I am going to stay home with her whole time Viktor's at work, because I was already so close to retirement before I got pregnant. Although I can tell that it breaks Viktor's heart to have to leave her

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. And it's only a 10-minute walk, so if Maria's feeling alright, we might stop by. Yurio said that was ok."


"If Maria's feeling up to it."

"Then I'll see you two later!" Viktor cheered, walking out of the door.

And of course, two moments after Viktor is officially out of the Inn, Maira awoke.

One Week later
5:37pm (17:37)

Viktor walked through the door, I immediately hand Maria out to him, we look at each other, and at the exact same time say;

"This isn't working." We had tried for a week, but Without Viktor, everything seems more chaotic, and my feelings of panic rubs off on Maria. So every day it was the same routine, Viktor leaves, Maira wakes up, she gets fussy until I play her the sleeping beauty (For reasons I will never know or understand, at the GPF, Georgi had left a DVD of Disney Movie, Sleeping beauty, and a CD of its soundtrack, in Yurio's locker. And a days after Masha came one from the hospital, Viktor listened to the CD and watched the DVD "to make sure there weren't any nasty surprises", because apparently there was also a note that went along with the CD and DVD that Viktor crumpled up and threw away the second he read, not telling me what the note actually said. There wasn't, so when Maria had her cold, out of desperation, we played the CD for her, and it was finally the thing that calmed her down. I personally think the reason she likes it so much is because it's in Russian, which is all Viktor ever talks in when she is preset.), naps, we go see Viktor, where she turns back into her calm, happy self, then as we leave, she banshee screams, and then it takes me hours to semi-calm her town, but she only completely chills out when Viktor is around.

"We need to figure out a different plan, but I have no idea what," I astonish.

"Дa. WE can't wait until she's older for her to come to the rink. But at the same time, I don't want to completely abandon Yurio. I promised him that Maira wouldn't change anything." Viktor remarks.

"That's a stupid thing to promise," I mention

"What? I don't think I've ever heard you say stupid." Viktor states, a bit confused.

"I'm just saying that everyone, even Yurio, knows nothing is the same after a baby comes," I explain.

"I know you're right, I just have no clue how to fix this. Yurio needs a coach." Viktor echoes

We both sit on the bed, Maria in Viktor's arms, completely burnt out of ideas. Dr.Tsuchiya cleared me to be able to go back to work. In a perfect world, we would just completely swap places, but there is no way on earth I could ever be a coach, it's just not me. And a giant buzz shakes the room.

"Sorry, my phone is still connected to the Bluetooth speaker I was using to play the music for Maria." I apologize. I disconnect my phone and see a text from Yuuko.

Yuuko: Let me guess, you and Viktor are trying to figure out a schedule that will let Viktor stay home with Maria.

Me: I'm not even going to ask how you knew we were just talking about that

Yuuko: Just instincts. And I have an Idea.

Me: Please tell.

Yuuko: I think that we could do a 3-way job switch. I became Yurochka's coach, Viktor stays at home with Maria, and you take my current job as rink manager.

Me: What does Yurio say about all this.

Yuuko: He wants it to start tomorrow.

Me: let me see what Viktor thinks.

I show Viktor the text messages Yuuko sent me, and I swear, the only time I've seen his face light up to much was when he saw Maria for the first time. He's too happy to speak, all he can do is nod.

Me: Viktor loves that idea. What time do you want me to come in

Yuuko: 6:30 am if that would be too much trouble

Me: See you then! Yuuko I can't thank you enough

Yuuko: your welcome ;)

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