Hello, everyone! For this chapter, I decided to introduce a new perspective, Viktor! I normally do first person perspective for my OC's or characters that I feel are similar in prosody to me (If I'm in a new situation, it's almost freaky how much I resemble Yuri), So I apologize in advance if you think I completely screwed up Viktor's POV. Thanks for reading, see you next chapter!
______________________________________________________________________________"Yuri, are you alright?" I asked.It was nearly 11 pm (23:00), and he still hadn't fallen asleep.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He assured, sounding a little sad.
"Did you take a lot of naps today? Is that why you are asleep?" I question.
"No.I'm perfectly fine, Go back to sleep. I don't want to inconvenience you." he maintained.
"Oh, that is, you want something! What is it? I'll go grab it for you." I announce, getting out of bed.
"Viktor, It's fine, I can wait until tomorrow." he objected
"No, I want to help. It killed me to be at Ice Castle when the two of you here just lying here all day. Please, let me help." I pleaded.
"But we don't have it here, and besides Dad said he was going to go to the grocery store tomorrow." He reasoned.
"Yuri, I don't mind going to out to get you what you need." I
"Really?" Yuri's eyes lit up.
"Really. So what do you want?"
"Ramune, vanilla yogurt, pretzels, and some strawberry jelly, if it wouldn't be too much trouble." Yuri requested, gazing down as if he was too embarrassed to look me in the eye. I bent over and gave him a soft kiss, then gave another to our daughter.
"Anything for you." I declared, grinning.
I put on some real clothing, and try quietly walk out our room, but Makkachin walked up and gives me a sad whimper. I gesture for him to follow, and he bounces up like a rubber ball and runs to my side. Ever since Baby Nikiforova has been inside Yuri, I feel like I've been abandoning everyone, but I with Makkachin, it's been the worst.
______________________________________________________________________________In the day, Hasetsu is busy with people, and during this time of year, it's so sunny that nobody ever turns on their lights. At night, however, Makka and I own the street. Crickets chirp and flies flock to the electric street lights, which give the sidewalk a warm yellow tone. The late June air feels like a warm blanket has been dropped around my shoulders as if the atmosphere is trying to bid us a safe passage on our adventure to the 24/7 CVS, which is about 10 minutes away. The ocean quietly plays in The background, making everything peaceful and serene. If only Yuri could experience this magical night with us, I know he would love it as much as I do.
Inside CVS, felt like an entirely different planet compared to outside. The bright white lights made it nearly impossible to see anything out of the windows. The ocean's peaceful song was replaced by humming overhead lights. the shiny potato chip bags in the snack section seems to catch the light and use it to paint pictures on their fronts as if trying to dress themselves up. I grab a small bag of pretzels, and hold them in my hand, not needing a basket.
What else did Yuri want again? I pull out my phone and open up the list I made. Before I even get to the notes app, however, I Take a minute to admire Baby Nikiforova, my daughter. I have her picture on both my lock screen and home screen. Every minute that passes shortens the agonizing wait that I have to meet her. She needs a real name though. I'll bring it up to Yuri tomorrow. When the minute is up, I remember why I'm here and open up my notes. Ah, that's it. One bottle of classically flavored Ramune, vanilla yogurt, and not fancy strawberry jelly.
Makka and I head over to the refrigerated aisle, and to our delight, everything we need is within arms reach. I take all of the Items and make my way to the cashier. On the way, I also pick up some of the peppermint hard candies Yuri loves. Even though he's not out of them, I don't want to run into a situation where we are out of them, and can't find them anywhere. When we make our way to the checkout area, I put off of Yuri's items on the conveyor belt.
"That's a well-behaved dog you have there." The cashier comments. They are rather tall and Lanky and look to be in their early twenties. Their green-tipped hair is cut rather short to their head, and their name tag reads Goya Hibiki.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed.
"You're welcome. How are you this evening? Or morning, it's kind of hard to tell." They grumbled, rather slowly ringing up the yogurt.
"I'm doing great, how are you?" I cheerfully respond.
"Honestly, just tired. My boss put me on the night shift nearly every Thursday night from now until February, so I'm having a fun day" they sarcastically replied, rolling their eyes. At that very moment, I decide that They needed to be cheered up.
"Think on the bright side! People must buy strange things this time of the day!" I mention.
"Yea, yea they do." They cooly griped, eyeing Makka. "This is the tamest purchase I've seen yet. However story wise, the dog makes up for it"
"Don't worry, Yuri is probably going to somehow mix it all together." I console.
"Oh my god that makes me want to puke just thinking about it Please don't tell me Yuri's the dog!" The cashier pleaded.
"Het, Het, Yuri's my husband! He's pregnant with our daughter." I giggled. "This is Makkachin."
"Thank god. That makes much more sense. Congratulations, by the way." Goya sighs, as they ring up the peppermints.
"Do you want to see pictures of her?!" I offer. Maybe that will cheer him up. It certainly works for me!
"Sure." they monotonically said.
I quickly pull out my phone and open up my photos, then the folder that holds the pictures of the baby, and handed Goya the phone, All while wearing a prideful smile.
"Ok I'm not that into kids but your baby is adorable. Congratulations again. 1,600 yen please." Goya congratulates.
"Thank you. I'll probably see you again next week!" I wink, Me and Makka leaving the store through the sliding glass doors.
"Probably see you then." They echo.
I slide open the door to our room and place the bag on Yuri's nightstand. He checks the content of the bag and starts to tear up.
"Viktor! I can't believe you got all of this AND peppermints!" He starts to cry. I nod my head, and lie down next to him, putting my arm around his shoulders, and give him another soft kiss, which is made salty by the tears.
"Anything for you," I reply. And just like I thought, he mixes everything together. And just like the Cashier thought, to me it looks rather unappetizing, to say the least. But I couldn't care less. As long as Yuri's happy, and the Baby is healthy, everything else in the world doesn't matter.

On Love: Agape!!!
FanfictionAfter the new Yuri Nikiforov gets home from his wedding, he finds out that he is expecting! But unfortunately, things aren't going so well on Yurio's side of the story. If the science part is messing you up, just come up with whatever explanation wo...