Chapter 16

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"What did I miss?" Jefferson sang to a jaunty tune. Yurio had just finished up practice, and was listening to Hamilton, his new favorite music, Hamilton. on his way to his room at Yu-topia in. At practice, he had worked mostly on his short program (which was to Burn, from Hamilton of course), but still put some work into his free skate (which was to Grenade by Bruno Mars). It was already the fifth of July, and Yurio knew he only had to wait a few more weeks to hear the Grand Prix assistants. However, to his utter annoyance, his first event was stupid qualifying competitions. For Yurio however, it seemed more like a glorified dress rehearsal then an actual competition. After all, all the other skaters that could even come close to rivaling him would have pre-qualified for the national finals. Unluckily for Yurio, this was his first year skating under Japan, so hw literally had no choice. However, whenever he complained, Viktor always pointed out that The JSF had been rather understanding and weren't making him get a Japanese citizenship. So in retrospect, Competing in qualifying competitions wasn't nearly as bad. Yurio still thought that not being able to skate for his own country, Russia, just because he was Pan, was inconceivably stupid.

As Yurio passed by the beach, he took a second to gaze at the scenery. Unlike early months, the beach was crowded with nosey tourists, many of them families. The line where the beach started was always full of Summer-only stalls and vendors. Yurio's route back to Yu-topia in took him by them every day, so all of of the Touristly snow globes, cheap beach supplies at over inflated prices, and specialty food didn't faze him. However, the beach-goers and all of the vendors made a shit ton of noise. So Yurio whipped out his phone and turned up Tomas Jefferson.

"BUT WHO'S WAITING FOR ME WHEN I STEP INTO PLACE-" Thomas Jefferson sung loudly to Yurio. He kept on walking, until he passed an air-brush T-shirt vendor. It was just your normal, run-of-the-mill tourist beach side t-shirt vendor, where you could buy a t-shirt that could have whatever you wanted painted onto it. But it wasn't the t-shirts that caught his eye.

It was a large piece of Fabric, painted into the Japanese flag

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It was a large piece of Fabric, painted into the Japanese flag. But it wasn't exactly the Japanese flag. The only red on the outermost ring. Inside of it, was a ring of orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, and finally in the center was a perfect circle of purple. The artist had mashed together the Japanese and Pride flag, and all in the same spray-paint style of the t-shirts.

"Do you like the 旗?" A young voice asked. Yurio took off his headphones, paused Thomas Jefferson, and spun around to the direction of the voice.

It belonged to a girl, who looked to be about 9 or 10 years old. She was wearing a school uniform that had a deep green pleated skirt and a pale yellow short sleeve shirt, which had cuffs and a sailor collar in the same green as the skirt. Her hair was in two low pigtails, which were tied with yellow ribbons. In her hand was a pink, glittery, wiring fidget spinner.


"旗!" She aggravatedly explained, pointing to the flag. Yurio made a quick mental note that 旗 was flag.

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