Chapter 34

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Hello everyone! Now I know Japanese schools start at the first g, but for the sake of keeping Maria's age "in-tune" if you will with what I have further down the road, I have decided that Hasestu Elementary will have a kindergarten class! Thank you all so much for reading I love you so much enjoy!!!!!

9:19am, April 3rd, 2023
Hasestu Elementary
Hasestu, Japan

"Hello, class! My name is Ishikawa-Sensei and I use she/her pronouns, nice to meet you!" Ishikawa-Sensei introduced, writing her name, 石川先生 on the big whiteboard behind her in a green marker. Maria was 5, and today was her very first day of school! Currently. She was sitting in her kindergarten classroom at the orange table, with 4 other kids. Each of the 6 tables in her class was a different color of the rainbow, and they were arranged in 2 rows of 3. Or was it 3 rows of 2? Maria wasn't entirely sure, but Iwasaki-Sensei was standing in the front of the room, with the Red, Orange, and Yellow tables in front of her, and the Green, Blue, and Purple tabled behind them. The walls were a bright pastel yellow, and behind the tables were 3 big windows that showed the playground and the pink cherry blossom trees in full bloom. Underneath the windows was a long, low bookshelf that held the class library, and in the very back right corner was a big circular rug with the Hiragana and Katakana alphabet on it, along with some emoji bean-bag chairs and heart pillows for maximum comfort and adorableness. The rest of the back of the room was mostly drawers that held supplies such as Paper, Colored pencils, pens, and erasers, but also had a long white table that held 3 desktop computers. (Although there was a sign on them that said something Maira couldn't read, but assumed said ask-permission-before-going-online). The upper right corner was the classroom door (it had a sign that said あ-3), and on the upper left corner was Ishikawa-Sensei's desk.

"Nice to meet you!" Maria and the rest of her classmates echoed back.

"Thank you! Now to get to know each other better, we are going to take a piece of paper and 5 crayons each from the art drawers. The drawer for paper has the world for paper, which is written like this." Ishikawa-Sensei explained, then wrote 紙 and on the whiteboard. "And the crayon drawer as the word crayon on it as well, and looks like this." And again, she wrote クレヨン on the whiteboard. "It's alright if you don't understand, after all, it's only the first day, so there is also pictures on each drawer. Now on your paper, I would like you to each draw your family, and if you know how, write your name on it. When everyone is done, we will share our names, pronouns, and drawings with our table groups. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ishikawa-Sensei!" The class and Maria confirmed, then when they were given permission, got their paper and crayons from the drawers.


"Hi, my name is Maria Nikiforova, I use she/her pronouns

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"Hi, my name is Maria Nikiforova, I use she/her pronouns. And as for my drawing, That's Pappa That's Daddy, thats me, thats my doggie, Princess, that's Auntie Mari, that's Obaasan, and that's Ojisan. Princess is the newest member of my family, we just got her a few months ago. Does anyone have any questions on my drawing?" Maria announced, to her table group as the pointed to each family member in turn. It had been no trouble finding and picking out her colors (Light Blue, black, yellow, brown, and silver), and she had even written her first name,マリア! (Papa had taught her how, and that was all Maira knew how to write. Her last name was too many letters to remember)

"I wish I had a doggie." Sora, who used they/them pronouns, sighed. Their black hair was cut at their ears, and they wore a long red t-shirt dress with elbow-length sleeves.

"But we have a baby brother, that's good too!" Shota, who used he/him pronouns, interjected. He was Sora's twin brother and had the same haircut, but instead of wearing a dress, he wore black pants and a red shirt.

"I guess." Sora sighed back. "But he cries a lot, especially in the middle of the night, and it hurts my ears."

"Why do you live with your Grandparents and Auntie?" Asked Kanon, who also used She/her pronouns. Her black hair was in low pigtails, but they only reached down to her shoulders, and she wore jeans and a Moana T-shirt.

"My family owns the hot-springs inn, and my Auntie mostly runs it, but Papa, Ojisan, and Obaasan help out a lot too. One time Daddy and Papa talked about maybe moving to an apartment, but Ojisan And Obaasan said that if we did then they would be sad and also the other apartments don't allow dogs." Maria divulged.

As for her hair and clothes, she wore her 'daisy-outfit' a yellow short-sleeve polo shirt with a white skirt. (Now Maira was a very clean child. so Viktor and Yuri trusted her to wear a knee-length white circle skirt to her first day of school. Not to mention the fact she was stubborn as hell and they knew that once she set her mind to something, nothing on earth could change it) Her waist-length hair was in a high ponytail, which is how she wore it whenever she was skating with Uncle Hamilton. She figured that if it helped her focus then, it would help her focus during school. (After the day Plisetskaya came to Hasestu, Yurio had asked Maria what he could do to try and make up for roping her into all this, and she had asked him to teach her how to figure skate. Yurio happily agreed, and she was skating at a level at the age of 5 he had barely accomplished at the age of 11)

"That makes sense," Kanon confirmed.

"Is the guy with the silver hair and yellow necklace your Ojisan?" Ayame, who used she/her pronouns, asked. She had her hair in a very professional braided bun, and she wore tan pants and a pink shirt.

"No, that's Papa, and his necklace is the shape of a heart, and inside, inside it has a picture of me from when I was a baby and on the other side it has a picture of Daddy," Maira answered.

"That's really cool!" Ayame exclaimed. "My Mommy has a necklace like that too! Wait, where's your Mommy?"

"I don't have a Mommy, I have two Daddies and there married to each other ." Maria clarified.

"That makes sense." Ayame understood.

"I've seen your Papa before!" Kanon remembered. "But he was talking kinda weird and I didn't understand it so I just kept walking."

"He wasn't talking weird, he was just speaking Russian!" Maira deciphered. "It's not that hard to speak Russian, I can do it!"

"Woah! You speak two languages?!" Shota and Sora burst out.

"No, I know 3! Japanese, Russian, and English!" Maira shared.

"Cool." The twins replied.

"Can you talk in Russian for us?" Kanon investigated.

"Да, я могу! На самом деле, мне очень нравится разговаривать на других языках!(Yes I can! In fact, I really like talking in other languages) Maira said, and to her surprise, was met with a round of applause. "If you want, I can teach you guys some Russian." she offered.

"YEA!" Everyone cheered at once, and they probably would have said more, but Ishikawa-Sensei brought everyone's attention back to the front, which stopped the conversation, but in no way could stop the friendships that were forming.


Hello everyone Again I know end notes aren't usually my thing but I wanted to clear a few things up. 1, Kanon is pronounced exactly how you think it is, and is a legit Japanese name. Seriously look it up. Also I drew Maria's drawing but I held the crayon weird to make it look like  5 hear old. Thanks for putting up with my insanity!!!!

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