Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: This chapter does touch upon Gay Conversation therapy(A.K.A. Shitty people doing shitty shit to try and trun Gay people straight because they are shit people who need to get a life) and I do have a FAKE link to a YouTube video. Don't worry, I will be back to much more light-hearted happy topics next chapter, because I will be switching back to the Baby. I apologize again, thanks for reading and putting up with me.


The next evening after dinner, Yurio played "The Election of 1800", logged on to his tumbler, hoping he could forget the awkwardness that now surrounded meals. Because the Pork Cutlet bowl couldn't get out of bed for whatever reason, Viktor understandably now spent all of his time with him and would take both of their meals into the bedroom. Viktor and the other yuri had invited him to eat with them, but it just didn't seem right to accept that invitation somehow. That left Yurio in the dining room with the rest of the Katsuki Family. It wasn't that they hadn't been incredibly kind and generous, but without Viktor and the other Yuri, it felt to Yurio almost like he was intruding on their family. Not to mention the fact that it was basically an exercise in a stupid thing that Yurio detested, speaking Japanese. He knew that they weren't trying to exclude him, or make him feel as if he was just a guest, just peering in on their happy lives through a window, but to Yurio, it often felt like that. And he couldn't just eat alone, in the public dining area, he tried that once and nobody would let him.

As he opened up his dash and poked around for a bit when he got a notification saying he had a new private message 'How the hell is messaging me?' He wondered, and opened up the inbox. He silently hoped that it wasn't anyone he knew, and had succeeded in keeping this part of his fanboy lifestyle secret.

ElizaSchuyler103197: Moving is Easy young Man, lying is harder

'What the hell?' Yurio mentally exclaimed, paused "The election of 1800" and opened up the video, and clicked play.

The video was security footage from a dimly lit room, which held two chairs, each on one side of a table. On the table was a metal box, that had buttons and switches and levers on it, and has sticky pads connected to meal wires protruding our form it. In front of the box, was a laptop. There was some writing on the screen, but even though it was the Cyrillic alphabet, It was still a different language, rendering it useless when it came to giving Yurio any clue of what he was watching.

Two people were ushered into the room, One was what looked to be a man in his late 50s, he was bald, and from what yurio could tell was wearing an all black suit. The second person in the room was a teenage girl, who was wearing a blood red tank top, skin tight black jeans, and a skull hair clip in her pixie cut red hair. The man sat in the chair facing the box, and the girl sat in the one facing the laptop. She looked around, and yurio could almost feel her dismay as the door that they entered through shut.

The man said some things that the security camera didn't pick up, and the girl nodded her head. He took 4 sticky pads that were attached to the box, removed the backing, and placed them on the girl's arm, not seeming to notice the fact that she was getting more uncomfortable by the minute. A pit stared for form in Yurio's stomach, something was going to go terribly wrong, he could sense it.

The girl oped up the laptop, and the man hovered his hands over the buttons on the metal box. On the laptop was a picture of a woman, in a rather tight, low cut dress. The girl tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't, and when the older man saw a slight smile on her face, he mashed the button on the box. The girl's arm that held the pads started to spasm, and she scrunched up her face trying to hide the pain. And just like that, the security video was over, and on the screen was a rainbow pride flag, with the words Кінцева конверсійна терапія. Зараз. Yurio Typed the words into google translate and found out it was Ukrainian for End Conversion Therapy. Now.

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