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Areum's P.O.V

Aish!I really hate these specific days that comes every month knocking on my door."Periods" Because of that I have to go to the store to buy some sanitary pads and on top of that it's raining.Gosh!Why is god punishing me??

With heavy foot I walked out of my room.I told my members that I'll be back in a while.I took my umbrella and with my heavy heart I started my small journey.Who knew that this small journey would change my whole life....

But at first let me introduce myself.My name is Kim Areum.My omma wanted me to become prettiest of all so she gave me this name.I am not that pretty but not that ugly too ><.I am a BIGHIT entertainment trainee and I live in the dorm with my other three members i.e.Byul Bora,Kang Hee Young and Ong Min Jee.I am the youngest one among us.Okay,now let's continue the story.

Finally after like 34 hrs I finally bought my 'things'.I don't understand why I still feel awkward while buying it hehe.After putting that thing in my bag I quickly walked out of there.I was really tired after all the practices so my steps became slower and slower after each step but I stopped when I saw a person lying on the ground.I quickly ran to that person.He was wearing a cap,mask and glasses so I wasn't able to see his face.

"Are you okay?"I tried shaking him.I touched his forehead and it was burning.I again tried waking him up but he didn't move.Is he dead?

"Don't...."he was mumbling something that I wasn't able to hear so I moved a bit closer.

"Don't touch me" was what he said.I wanted to punch that person's face but I calmed myself down and tried picking him up.

"Let's move from here.It's raining and on top of that you have a high fever"I ignored what he said and tried carrying but it was quite impossible.

"I said don't touch me."he raised his tone a bit and I was like WTF?I was just helping.I still ignored him.

"I SAID---"

"Can't you see that I am trying to help you.You can freaking see that it's raining,right?Do you want to die here?But if you don't want to die then come with me."I shouted.Finally he stood up.

"Can you drive?"he asked out of nowhere but still I nodded.

"Here"he handed me his car keys.

"Don't be reckless.It's an expensive car and don't you dare to take off my mask and cap,got it?"he added.

I wanted to roll my eyes and punch at his fucking face  but I didn't because I didn't wanted to start a fight.Looks like he has a crappy face like his personality so he doesn't want me to open his mask haha.He slowly got up and I supported him to stop him from falling.We slowly walked towards his car and finally he moved to the passenger's seat.I moved to the driver's seat and for a second I thought that he was staring.

"Let's go then" I started the car.

"Hey!hey!hey!" he suddenly shouted.I stared at him angrily.

"Now what?" I wasn't able to hide my annoyance.

"What about the seat belt?" he asked.

Ahhhh!!!I totally forgot about that.Haha I am really good at embarrasing myself.I just smiled at him showing my cute dimples ><

"Yah if you want to die then die by yourself.You may not know but my life is really precious."

"As if we could die just by that" I was losing my temper.

"If there is an accident then---"

"Okay okay.I am sorry.Are you satisfied now?I thought you were dying but looks like you are totally fine young man.I would really like it if you keep your mouth shut." he was taken aback by my words.

I fastened my seat belt and helped him with his seat belt and I started driving.After that it was silent and I freaking loved that.It was truly better than  listening  him nagging at me.I was busy driving while the guy beside me was staring outside the window.Suddenly my phone vibrated.It was Min Jee unnie calling.I stopped the car for awhile.

"Hey!Where are you?Do you know what time it is?" I hold the phone a good foot away from my throbbing eardrum.

"Ah!I am sorry unnie.I had something to do so I'll be a little late but don't worry I'll be okay.I promise and I'll be back soon.Mianhae unnie.I love you!" I quickly ended the call otherwise noone knew what would have happened to me.

I smiled looking at the screen not noticing that someone has been staring at me for awhile.

"So you had this side too.I thought you only knew how to shout" I don't understand why this guy is so rude.'I have many sides and I can fucking kill you right now'I wanted to say but I stopped myself.He should be thankful that I saved him but I don't understand what's wrong with him.

"So where should I drop you?" I asked ignoring what he said.

"XXXX-XXX-4.Wake me up when we reach there" I don't understand why but every time he opens his mouth I just want him to shut up....forever.

After a short drive we finally reached our destination.He was sleeping soundly but I had to go back so I tried shaking him.

"Ahjussi,we are here so please get up" He slowly opened his eyes.Then without saying anything he got out from there.I also got off to give him the car keys but I clearly saw him having troubles while walking.

"You really can't do anything by yourself,right?" I sighed and for the first time he kept quiet.

"Let's go" we slowly walked to 4th floor where he lived.Finally after a lot  of struggle we reached our destination.I rang the doorbell.

"Coming" I heard someone saying.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook!Do you know how worried we were?"Finally someone opened the door and at that moment I just wanted to jump out of the window and die.

It was Kim Taehyung.One after one all of them began to come outside.Kim Seokjin,Min Yoongi,Jung Hoseok,Kim Namjoon,Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung.

Then I finally realized that the person beside me was JEON JUNGKOOK!!

To be continued...

So this is the end of first chapter.I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to vote and comment.

I am not a professional writer so please forgive my mistakes.

Wait for the next chapters guys..<3BTS <3ARMYS

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