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Areum's P.O.V

"So you two are really dating?"

I shivered at his voice as I slowly nodded.

"Your members know about this?" he asked.

"Yeah Pd-nim,they know." I heard Jungkook replying. (a/n:pd-nim is Bang Si Hyuk)

"You know what will happen to both of you,right?Not only you but your members will also suffer because of this." he sighed.

My eyes watered when I realized the consequences our members might face because of us.I wanted my members to be the last person to suffer because of me.They have done enough but I always end up being a burden to them.Jungkook stayed silent beside me.I knew he was feeling the same thing as me because he too loved his members as much as I did or maybe more than that.

"Jungkook~ah I'll like to talk to you in private?" Pd-nim said.I looked at Jungkook but he didn't look at me.He was facing downwards.I bowed down to pd-nim as I made my way towards the door.

"Areum~ah dating is not a wrong thing but you know what happens in the industry when they find out about it,right?You should think about it.You just debuted so it'll cause you and your members more harm." those were the last words Pd-nim said as I made my way out.I am thankful to him for loving us like his own children.

I was scared of the consequences but I was more scared to lose Jungkook.I didn't even realize when I became so addicted to him.I don't think I'll be able to live without.However the most scary thing was Jungkook's expression.His eyes looked dead when we came together this morning.He didn't even utter a single word during our drive to Seoul.Jungkook~ah Are you giving up on us?

This was what happened 4 days ago.After our meeting with Pd-nim,he confirmed the news of us dating.I was quite surprised to see the amount of hate comments we were receiving,actually me.

"Leave the group bitch!"

"You slut!How dare you seduce our oppa!"

"You monster!"

I was okay with people hating me but they were even hating upon my members and BTS oppas.The most hurtful thing was when someone said Jungkook to leave BTS.I wonder how cruel can people get.My unnies would say they were fine with all these things but I knew they were not fine.I am scared if my unnies also start hating me.There were some fans supporting our decision and god knows how thankful I am.However I wonder Am I being a burden again?

The last time I talked to Jungkook was the day when people found out we were dating.Since then I haven't seen him nor BTS oppas.He didn't even call me.I tried calling him but he didn't pick up nor he replied to my messages.I though he needed some time to think so I didn't go to his dorm.I am quite sad because he isn't here with me when i need him the most.However I just hope he is okay.

"Areum~ah come out of your room already.Let's go to eat now." I Minjee unnie knocking on my door.

"Unnie you all should go already.Just bring something for me on your way back." I turned to the other side of my bed as I hugged my Cooky.(a/n:If you are curious then yess!I am talking about Cooky of BT21)

"Are you sure?"

"Just go already.I am sleepy." I sighed.I wanted to be alone right now.

"I mean Jungkook is right here----" even before she could complete the sentence I rushed to the door as I opened it.

"Jungkook is here?!" Minjee unnie chuckled as she nodded.

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