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Areum's P.O.V

I packed my bags as I was about to head to the dorm along with my members.

"Is Kim Aereum here?" someone knocked on the door of our practice room.

"Ah Yeah,it's me.Did you need something?" I asked as I got up.

"Actually we are working on some projects for trainees so you are supposed to help us according to pd-nim.We need to go right now." he said giving an apologetic look as I looked at him confused.

"Sure.Let's go" I took my bag.

"And you don't have to worry about her as I'll be dropping her home." he smiled.

Although my members were confused,like me they smiled and nodded.I couldn't deny because Bang pd-nim wanted me.'I'll talk to you after I return' I said as I muttered sorry to my members then I followed the ajhussi.We walked silently and we reached the parking lot.Wow,is the meeting taking place here?We finally reached in front of a huge van.

"I am sorry Aereum-ssi.I didn't wanted to lie but Jungkook kept on whining" he said as he opened the door of the van and guess what...Jungkook was sitting there smirking at me.

"Hi Areum!" he said as if our meeting was totally a coincidence.

I didn't reply as I got inside.I need a good explanation why I was here but since someone might see us ,I got inside.Actually the scene earlier kept on flashing on my mind due to which I wasn't able to focus.'Babygirl' what kind of nickname is that?!

"So why am I here?" I asked as I sat behind him and rested my head on the window.I was tired.

"What do you mean why?We are going for dinner." he said as he sat beside me.

"Yah!Why are you sitting here?And why the hell only two of us are here for dinner?" I shouted then the van started moving.

"Why?Can't we be alone?" he asked as he looked at me seductively and licking his lips.Gosh!Why is he so hot?I want to smash those lips!

"Yah!Move away." I shouted as I push him and he chuckled evily. He sure was enjoying teasing me.

I totally ignored his presence as I looked outside the window.The night view of the city was beautiful.I didn't even realize that I went to my dreamland.

"Areum~ah wake up" I felt someone poking my cheeks.I slowly opened my eyes and found my head lying on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Oh...sorry...I didn't mea..." I was stuttering when he brushed my hair towards the side.

"It's okay" he smiled as he showed his cute bunny teeth.This guy really knows how to increase my heart beat.I totally hate him.

"So are we here?" I asked while stretching my arms.

"Actually we are having dinner in our dorm and Jin hyung wants us to buy some ingredients so let's go" he said as he wore his mask and glasses.

"Are you crazy?You want us to go together?Do you even realize hoe popular you are?People---" I was cut off when he placed his index finger in my lips.

"Trust me babygirl" he said as he ruffled my hair and got off from the van.

Aish this guy will be end of me.I'll die if someone notices us.I was scared but somehow deep inside I thought it would be okay so I got off as I wore my mask.

"Be careful" the same ajjhussi who kidnapped me told Jungkook.

He just waved as he walked towards the supermart. It was not so busy as I thought it would be.I was busy looking around when I felt someone touching me.

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