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Areum's P.O.V

"I miss you so much." I could clearly hear Jungkook whining from the other line of the call.I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness.

"I miss you more" I shyly admitted earning a soft chuckle from Jungkook.

"You are so cute"

It's been a week since we started dating and everyday feels like a new day to me.I haven't told my members about it neither he did because we are afraid that they'll be against our relationship.We tried our best to spend time with each other and when we were too busy we made sure to call each other everyday even when we are freaking tired.We simply talked about how we spent our day or what we ate but I couldn't get enough of his sweet voice and his chuckles that he made during our call.We were right now talking to each other and god knows where my members are right now.They were telling something to me about going somewhere and if I wanted to go but I was so tired that I decided to sleep.Jungkook is in China right now and we haven't seen each other for almost three days now.He said he'll be coming tomorrow.I already miss him.

"So you are all alone right now?" I could hear Jungkook asking.

"Yeah" I nodded as if Jungkook could see me.That's when the door bell rang.

"Looks like someone is here.I'll call you later Kookie." I was about to hang up when he stopped me.

"No no.I sent some foods and drinks for you.I am sure you haven't eaten.My manager is coming over." he said so without hanging the call I walked to the door.

"Wow!Such a caring boyfriend I've got.I'll enjoy the meal.I was so hungry anyway." I smiled as I opened the door.

"Jagiiiii~" I was quickly embraced in a warm hug as soon as I opened the door.

"Yah!You said you are coming tomorrow!" I tried pushing him away but he didn't even bulged a bit.

"Let me stay like this for a minute.I missed you." I could feel his hot breathe against my skin sending shivers down my spine.I hugged him back as I missed him too.His touch is enough to make me go crazy.

"So now tell me." I pushed him away as one minute passed away.

"Meanie.Of course it is a surprise pabo.We reached home yesterday night but since you were tired I decided to come today." he was about to hug me again but I stepped back.

"I see.That's why you told me to turn off my notifications off and not to check the news nor my social media yesterday.You had planned everything from the beginning?" finally everything made sense.

Yesterday he suddenly said me not to check the news and social media for two days and yeah I agreed since this child like boyfriend of mine can get really stubborn sometimes.He nodded as he showed me his cute bunny smile.

"But that means you lied to me." I decided to tease him for a bit.

As soon as I said that I could see how his eyes widened and how he was continuously shaking his head.

"No--that's---ac" he was totally stuttering which made clear that he was nervous.He is such a cute bunny!

"Since you lied to me no kisses and hugs for a month.That's your punishment" I tried so hard to control my laugh when I saw his expression so I quickly walked away and made my way to the living room.

"Jagiiiii~" I could hear him calling me cutely but I was having so much fun teasing him!I was sitting on the sofa and I saw him entering as he stood in front of me and bent till he we could see each other properly.

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