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Areum's P.O.V

"So you two are dating?"

We nodded and I heard some of them gasping and some giving us obvious looks.

"What??!!You two are dating?" Taehyung oppa shouted as he gasped along with Jimin oppa and Heeyoung unnie.

"You mean you are dating?Like you are in a relationship?" Namjoon oppa shouted dramatically.

"Don't tell me you didn't knew about this." Yoongi oppa face palmed at how dense they were.

"Wow!So you told him but not us." I saw how Bora unnie's expression changed.

I continuously shook my head and Jungkook did the same.

"It's just that you are totally dumb.You can obvious tell by the way they look at each other and their eyes filled with love when they talk to each other.I can't believe you didn't knew about this." Minjee unnie sighed.

"Totally.And you could totally see how Jungkook was so ready to run to the stage when Areum fainted.I knew he could do something stupid so I held him." Yoongi oppa massaged his temples while me,I was too happy to hear that Jungkook was so worried about me.Such a caring boyfriend.

"Stop grinning to yourself Areum~ah.You are being scary." Hoesok oppa commented.

"So you all are okay with us dating?" Jugkook asked and I was totally nervous and I felt Jungkook lightly squeezing my hand.It would be hard if they are against us.

"Of course" Namjoon oppa sighed.

"It's your own life so you can date anyone you like.Just be careful and we are here for you if something happens" Yoongi oppa smiled.

"Oppa you are so cool!" I couldn't help but admit it.

"Omo!Our maknae has grown up!" I saw Hoseok oppa dramatically faked a cry and soon Heeyoung unnie joined him.

"Jung Hoseok!Stop being so loud and freaking let me sleep now.I am tired." I heard Yoongi oppa shouting and that dead ass made Hoseok oppa to shut his mouth.No one can ever dare to wake Yoongi oppa.

"So since when you two started dating?" I heard Seokjin oppa asking.

"A week.It's been a week since she is officially mine." Jungkook took my hand as he interlinked it with his.I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Eww.Stop it!" I could hear Jimin oppa complainng.

"Jiminiee you are being salty because you are single." Jungkook cutely tucked his tongue at the older guy and I could see his shocked face.

"And Taetae hyung,you should stop hugging her already." now it was Jungkook's time to complain.

"No never" Taehyung oppa pulled me into his wide arms.I could tell he was teasing the maknae and he was totally enjoying it.

"From now on I am going to do it too." Jimin oppa added as he joined the hug,me trapped in between these fluffy guys.

"Do you both wanna die?" Jungkook's voice was so deep and his face was dark.I saw how Taehyung oppa and Jimin oppa gulped and finally pushed me away.

"You muscle pig!" Taehyung oppa shouted as they ran away.

"You are only mine." Jungkook's expression changed in a second as he hugged me.

"Okay now you two are being totally creepy.Anyway when are you going to treat us?" Bora unnie asked.

"Oh yeah!!!!Let's go today.I am totally hungry right now." I saw Seokjin oppa rubbing his tummy.

"Okay.I'll treat you all." Jungkook sighed as others started shouting in excitement.

"So we will go first and you two can join us." Hoseok oppa said and we nodded.

"I'll come with them then." Taehyung oppa shouted excitedly but he was pulled by Minjee unnie.

"Get the hint already stupid." Minjee unnie scolded him as she pulled him away.

"He is so cute." I chuckled.

"That's true but he is unknowingly annoying sometimes.Actually 'they'."Jungkook sighed.

"But it never changes the fact that they are  always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to.They are like my brothers and god knows how much I love them.I've still got a lot of things to learn from them but of course I can't tell all these things to tell.I am sure they kill me with their teasing." he smiled and that smile was so rare to see and it was freaking beautiful.I knew how much they loved each other.BTS is like a family.

"And it also doesn't change the fact how much I love you." he softly caressed my cheeks and a smile crept on my face.

"I didn't knew you were so crazy for me." I chuckled.

"It's true though.You make me crazy Jeon Areum." I was shocked by the sudden change in my name.I playfully punched him which he easily dodged off.

"So shall we go?" he stood up as I nodded.We wore our jackets then walked out of our dorm.

"I am so cold!" I shouted.The weather was freezing.

It's not like I hate winter in fact I love winter but I can't stand coldness.It sounds weird but anyway it is true.I felt Jungkook moving closer to me as he held my hands.

"Your hands are freezing.Aish!You should have wore your gloves pabo~" Jungkook softly rubbed my hands.Jungkook being such a caring boyfriend is such a good concept.

"It's not necessary since I can always hold your hand." I smiles sheepishly at him and he was smiling too.

"So what are you doing in your 3 days break?" I heard Jungkook asking as we walk hand in hand.

"Me?Umm I am planning to visit my family." I smiled as I thought about them.It's been quite long since I last visited them so I miss them.

"What about you?"

"I will just sleep,eat,play video games and umm again repeat those words." I chuckled at how cute he sounded.

"You are such a lazy bum" I pinched his cheeks.

"But I am really active in other fields you know." he smirked at me.

"Yah!You pervert!"I shouted as I hit him while he just laughed evilly.

I didn't even realized how fast we reached the place.

"I wonder why time flies so fast when I am with you." Jungkook sighed and that was damn true.It was like time was against us.

"It's for us to make new more memories." I tried to cheer him up and yeah that worked.

"Let's do that then.Let''s make beautiful memories together." he smiled as he warmly hugged me.

I hope this never changes.I hope our love never changes.I hope we'll be smiling like this till the end and I hope this doesn't become the last time for our 'beautiful memories'.

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

So I have tons of assignments to complete due to which the updates are getting slower and I am really sorry for that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it didn't disappoint you :)

So yeah keep supporting and I love you all <3

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