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Areum's P.O.V

"It is already the last day of the break" I groaned as I laid down on my bed.

My break didn't even feel like a break because I was completed stressed out.Someone was trying to threatened me by sending messages from an unknown number.

Just wait and I'll ruin your life.

I'll ruin your life as you did mine.

I'll kill you.

You ugly bitch.

I couldn't even sleep at night because of these messages.I was completely annoyed but I was scared too,scared if this person is really going to do something.I shared this with Jungkook and he told me not to worry about it and he will take care of it but how am I supposed to stay without worrying?

That's when the door bell ran.

"Areum~ah I think the parcel arrived.Bring it for me dear." My omma shouted from the kitchen.

I lazily carried my butt to the door as I opened it.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!WHAT THE----" as always I was pulled into a hug.

"I missed you." he chuckled and I hugged him back.

"I miss you too." I smiled.

"Areum~ah what's wro--" omma stopped on her tracks when she saw us,hugging.

She was about to walk away when I broke the hug.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Hello Mrs Kim.I am Jeon Jungkook,Areum's boyfriend." I could see how Areum's eyes widened at my statement.

She gave me a are-you-crazy look while I just showed my cute bunny smile.

"Jeon Jungkook?I think I have heard that name somewhere" Areum's omma crunched her nose while thinking.

"OH RIGHT!You are the youngest member from BTS,right?" Areum jumped slightly when she suddenly shouted.I smiled as he nodded.

"Wow!I am such a big fan you know." she said as I chuckled.

"Thank you for supporting us Mrs Kim." I again bowed down.

"No no don't do that and please call me Omma." she smiled and I nodded.She is so kind like Areum.

"Omma are you serious?You are already acting like a crazy fan girl." Areum rolled her eyes.

"Jungkookie you should come inside now.Please make yourself comfortable while I prepare dinner." omma smiled as she completely ignored what Areum said

"Wow!You are already omma's favorite."Areum pouted and I wanted to kiss her right there but yeah calm down Jungkook!At least not here.

"But you are mine favorite." I winked and I could see her blushing.Cute.

"You...should go to the living room while I help omma" she quickly ran away.Why is she so adorable?

I smiled as I walked inside.I was about to sit when I noticed someone already seating there and he was totally glaring at me.He kinda looked scary and gave Yoongi hyung's vibe.

"So you are my daughter's boyfriend?" I got goosebumps by his deep voice.

"Ah y-eah.Hello I am Jeon Jungkook." I bowed 90 degree.Shit!Why am I stuttering?!

He eyed me from top to bottom while I stood there awkwardly.

"You may sit down." he said.I did as I was told.

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