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Swiftly, with all her might, she swung her toned leg around to deliver a high kick to the side of the tallest one's head. Knocking him out cold.

"When will people stop underestimating me?" She huffed.

The other two stared at their friend then slowly back at Orion who stood there with an eyebrow raised, waiting for them.

"Listen we don't want no problems miss." His hands open in defense.

A smile instantly appeared on Orion's face, "oh so now I'm miss? Learn some fuckin respect or else you'll end up like your friend," she spat at them before leaving them standing there trembling in fear. She continued walking while yelling a nice loud "assholes" to say goodbye.

Looking down at the boot that kicked the man, she made sure the bottom was painted black to mask the silver plate underneath. A small speck of the paint was scratched off making her curse under her breath before she was distracted by the loud, muffled music from the club. Minor anxiousness began to fester but she kept walking, right past the bouncer and the long line as she stood up more straight. Her genuine confidence evident as she nearly entered before he roughly grabbed her arm. He had no shame in eyeing up her outfit, his eyes lingering on her exposed chest. She tilted her head as the fakest smile was plastered on her face, hoping his creepy stare was enough to get her a pass.

"In line." He huffed as he yanked her back making her stumble from a crack in the sidewalk.

"Ugh, just let me in."

"We're full," he rolled his eyes. They were seemingly normal, but his hand was unusually cold and his grip was very hard when it was wrapped around her bicep. Every time his lips parted to speak there were no fangs but most have retractable fangs.

His abnormally low temperature alone was enough for her to assume he wasn't human. She knew she could never win in hand-to-hand combat with a bloodsucker.

Usually the differences within their species was obvious and she could tell instantly but there were too many different distractions. Another thought popped into her head as her hazel eyes shot back to the bouncer. It was as if no one was around her, making snide comments about her cutting or trying to cut.

Ignoring them completely as she realized she could just use her own body, especially if he's a vampire.

Uncomfortable with what she was about to do, she mentally prepared herself. If it wasn't the act of using her body itself, it was the minor shame she felt afterwards. Intimate, physical contact was not her cup of tea to say the least. She didn't appreciate being touched by anyone. Right now she was not guilty or shameful at all but she knew deep down, every single time she has to do this, it never settles right.

She just had to repress the unwanted thoughts since it was really effective.

Straining her neck to look at her shoulders, she noticed her wild hair covered them. Slowly she shoved it all behind her immediately grasping his attention along with a good amount of the surrounding vampires. That slight movement enough to allow her scent to roll off in waves. 

With the missions she'd already been on, she knew her blood in particular was intriguing to almost all vampires. The reason? She had no explanation.

Locking eyes with him, she attempted to speak with her eyes. Giving him her version of "i'm dumb enough to let you drink my blood" eyes accompanied by a small smile. Taking the bait he flicked his head to the side and took a side step. The crowd outside still waiting in line all protested at her sudden entrance and were still ignored.

Her eyes scanned everywhere they possibly could within the dark club. Minutes passed of her trying to get a good feel of the layout. Mentally making a map of emergency exits as she looked for side doors.

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