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Two hazel orbs snapped back to Everest, in case she needed to defend herself. With intrigue she watched as the veins slowly began receding, allowing his face to be perfect once again. He didn't want anyone in that place know he was experiencing any emotion in her presence.

Without warning the seatbelt snapped as she was dragged out of the car and thrown into the dirt. The pressure from the fabric snapping against her body and the impact from the ground causing her to fight for each breath with a heave.

Looking up she saw a familiar pair of brown-eyes: the bartender.


"Everest," Kali nodded at him, "this is her?"

"Yes," his voice sounded formal and authoritative.

"What you don't remember me?" Orion's smile enraging Kali as she twisted her arms behind her back and lifted her. Orion only grunted because of the force, not wanting to give any sign of weakness.

All three of them walking up the steps inside the eerily empty and out-dated mansion. Practically dragging her, Kali brought her upstairs, to the third floor, and down a dark corridor. Swinging open a metal door with a loud screech, Orion was thrown to the ground, her head slamming onto the wet concrete. The hit making her wonder when she'll stop being flung around and when her brain has had enough damage.

The mysterious liquid soaking her clothes and splashing on her exposed skin. Slowly, she lifted up her body to wipe it off only to realize it was blood. The large puddle covered a fast majority of the wooden floor.

Slightly freaking out she backed away from it.

Suddenly she was lifted off the ground by her throat. Long, cold fingers easily wrapping around her fragile neck. Each finger exerting power she's never experienced or encountered before. "Ah, so this is my hunter?" Orpheus' red-eyes scanning her figure as she dangled, trying to pry his hand off, kicking her legs, "she looks familiar..."

Her hands reaching for his eyes to damage them in any way as he held her out further. Smiling menacingly at her quick witted attempt to free herself of his grasp.

"Yes sir," Everest stood tall.

He took his time trying to figure out who she was. Minutes passed of her struggling and him staring contemplating why she looked so familiar to him. Orion's vision began to grow black spots as she felt herself losing consciousness. She fought her own body vigorously to stay awake to defend herself but it was betraying her.

Knowing her weak human body couldn't take much more, Orpheus let her fall onto the ground. She caught herself, coughing loudly and immediately wobbled to stand up. Looking up she saw Lilith standing guard over a table with a body on top. Swaying on her feet she noticed the blonde she killed, Mel, still not fully intact on the table.

"How did you break her?" Orpheus circled around Orion as she stood perfectly still locking eyes with Lilith, who watched her with disgust.

"You said she was different," stopping directly in front of her he ran a long finger-nailed finger down the side of her face, "her blood smells different... but she's ordinary."

"You want feisty instead?" Orion spat at him, "I can be feisty... old ass prick." With a chuckle he dug a finger nail into her cheek, drawing blood. Instinctively making her grab his wrist. Without blinking Orpheus grabbed her wrist, twisted it to bring Orion to her knees as her bones pleaded for mercy.

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