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"Explain yourselves," Kharis heaved, "right now." Her voice much more louder and unsteady than her normal calm tone. Nora barely lifted her head as she began to kneel, "I'm so sorry Queen, I-"

"That's enough of that," Orion smugly stepped forward, "she's not apologizing cause I forced her to come with me." Her hand gripped Nora's bicep to stop her from kneeling. She doesn't believe in full on begging and refused to let Nora beg when this was entirely her idea.

"And where was that?" Kharis stepped forward, putting a hand up to stop Orion's parents for reprimanding her about the way she spoke.

"Some club. It was fun. As you can see we had a good time." Her arms swung to point at their blood covered clothes.

Everest lazily walked to the top of the staircase, immediately catching Orion's eye as he yawned and reached up to run his hand through his hair. His pajama pants hanging low on his hips as his bare torso was on display.

Their eyes meeting as he took in her bloody, disheveled appearance wondering what happened. The breath got caught in her chest as his eyes skimmed the entirety of her figure. She saw the concern in them and that made her uncomfortable.

"Nora, where is the blood from?" Kharis' angry tone making Orion refocus. Initially they all thought the worst at their appearances but realized they reeked of vampire blood, not human.

"It's from-from vampires that attacked us when we tried returning, queen."

"Did they see you come in here? Do they know who you are?" Alessandro boomed as he stepped closer to them, making Nora flinch. His deep, reprimanding tone scaring her.

"No-No sir. I promise I kept an eye on them they-they don't know anything." Nora stuttered, fear lacing her shaky voice.

Everest descended the stairs to watch in amusement at everyones anger being focused on the two of them for once rather than him. Calvin was already with everyone trying to figure out what happened, his head turning to see Asha creeping around a corner to listen. A smirk on his face when their eyes met and she tried to hide from his sight.

"I mean they don't know shit anymore since I killed them." Orion sneakily interrupted.

"Why would you do that?" Astrid asked, her emotions etched on her face, "that can cause a lot of problems for the Cruorems."

"I sincerely apologize for defending ourselves and not thinking about the trouble the Cruorems have to go through," Orion responded sarcastically with an eye roll. Genuinely not caring if spoke to her mother that way instead ignoring all the glares. She wasn't in the right state of mind from everything that happened and consequences weren't something she was considering in this moment.

"People will report these crimes and the people would want retribution for whoever is responsible. We had an agreement for you to remain inside the capital! No sneaking out and no leaving until the threat was neutralized!" Alessandro nearly yelled. It scared almost everyone in the room as the bass in his voice vibrated the floors.

"We had no other choice but to fight like how many times do I have to say it until ya'll understand? But I am sorry bout that, I just felt trapped here." She sincerely tried to apologize in hopes of calming things down. Typically, she would never go against a deal or promise, but she felt so different lately.

And not in a bad way.

She felt more like herself.

Kharis placed a hand on Alessandro's forearm to calm him before looking to Nora, "is this true?" Her voice emulated how calm she was trying to be.

"Yes Queen," she nodded profusely, "I knew there was trouble when the vampire Miss Gates was-" Orion started shaking her head rapidly at Nora, her eyes widening.

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