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Nora struggled the keep up with Orion as she stomped down the hallway, still having no idea where she was going this time.

"I need to fight someone. Try and take out my frustration or something." Her hands clenching by her sides as she walked, "I feel trapped."

"Well supper is almost ready and you have tomorrow off from training. Maybe I can contact Bali to see if she'd give you a-"

She stopped and turned to face Nora with a wide smile, "let's sneak outta here tonight.."

Her immediate reaction was her eyes slowly widening at the audacity of Orion for even thinking she'd allow something like that. Her lips slowly mimicked her eyelids actions as her mouth widened to protest. Before any sounds other than her breathing could come out she slammed her lips shut and practically began dragging Orion towards her room.

Once inside they noticed the workers there replacing the bed frame and carrying out the chaise. Nora tapped her foot rapidly until the men were done as Orion just awkwardly stood there, smirking at her. Still excited about the idea.

The moment they finished and they closed the door behind them she started: "what in god's name would make you even speak of such an idea? You're a target! It's quite possibly the dumbest thing you've ever said in your stay here Orion," she took a deep breath while she paced, "are you insane? You must be to think you'd be safe outside of capital."

"Nora I've been cooped up in here for too long. I've never stayed in one place for so long not even as a kid. I wanna go to a club for one single night! A fun club. We're in Rome! I know you have a place in mind," their demeanors complete opposites as Orion grinned from excitement and Nora frowned.

"No actually I do not because unlike you I have no problem following the rules." She turned away from her, frustrated with her wild behavior, "remaining her and guarded is one of the conditions for you to stay here."

Making connections Orion studied her words, "hold the fuck up. When was the last time you left this place?"

"I leave this place. When I do is none of your concern but what is your concern is-"

"You haven't left this place in years have you!? Wow," she dramatically covered her mouth with her hands, "girl we gotta get outta here tonight. I can pick our outfits this time. I got this," she gripped her rather petite shoulders.

"Orion Gates, I will not allow you to do this. I cannot allow this, I will report you to my superiors if you attempt to leave here."

"Nora please, I never say please and yet here I am. Please. I'm losing my mind in here! I need to party and have fun and so do you. Be my friend right now, not my assigned assistant or guard or therapist or whatever you are."

Her voice and desperation making Nora close her eyes to not consider anything she had to say, "I cannot."

"We can go late tonight. Find a nearby club, party for a little bit. Come back, go to bed and boom! Partying's outta my system."

"You need security at all times. This is the safest place for you, if something were to happen," the thoughts running in her mind as her finger rubbed her temple, "I'd be held for a trial for not doing my duties."

"I've trained my whole life to know when something's not right and to fight. I can definitely handle myself and if you kept watch, maybe we won't have to kick some ass. We make it back: safe and sound. If something does happen, I'd vouch for you. I got your back."

Their eyes locked as Orion silently persuaded her.

"What about the guards? There was a drastic increase in the amount of security since your arrival."

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