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"This is not a fairytale," Everest snapped at them, trying to portray his disgust and disdain at the idea, "real life doesn't work that way."

"You fool. Our saliva might work along with the blood. You have to kiss her and stick your tongue in her mouth to allow spit to transfer and then use more blood to wash it down, unless you'd prefer I do this." Deep down inside, Orpheus was somewhat concerned only because if she were to die, the war would begin and he wanted to wait until his coalition grew in size. Although if she did die, it would remain hidden for quite some time.

He sat there rubbing his chin at the look on the hunter's faces when he tossed her dead, rotted corpse at them.

Holding onto her limp form tighter Everest looked between her and Orpheus, unsure if this was his sick way of punishing him. He noticed a look of enjoyment on his face as he smirked.

Everest hid his hatred, thinking he was picturing himself kissing the prisoner.

Snapping back to reality Orpheus noticed no action was taken.

"Do it now Everest or I will!" His voice now much deeper as he growled, "she cannot die!"

Not yet he mentally corrected himself.

Immediately shoving his mouth onto hers he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, the scent of her blood and the taste of her making his fangs descend. Mass amounts of saliva and venom dripped inside her mouth. Drawing away he cut into his wrist and repeated the process. A look of pure disgust flashed on his face after kissing her without her consent. Stopping after kissing her twice, he easily replaced the look with a calm, collected one to hide his internal suffering.

They all anxiously awaited the results... two of them hoping she'd survive while the last 3 want nothing more than her inevitable death.

The tension continued to build making everyone impatient.

The one sound to cut the tense air was Orion's heart rate growing stronger with each beat. Within seconds, her breaths turned into heaves as she gripped onto Everest's wrist, her eyes widening as she gulped down his blood. The near death experience making her appreciate the properties their blood had especially knowing it healed her near life-threatening injury.

Orpheus stepped in and snatched her from Everest's wrist, as he inspected her form.

Meanwhile Everest sat still, unmoving in a pool of her blood as he began to calm his nerves. His irritation growing as the command she gave him still going on as his body wanted to obey by moving as far away from her as possible. Doing just that he stood up and backed away. The blood now dried causing flaking on his skin and clothes.

"Speak my spice," Orpheus calloused hand cupped the side of her face as she weakly attempted to pull him off, "speak." Slightly intrigued of the possible brain damage she may have suffered.

"Fuck. You." She huffed as a slight hint of relief flooded through Everest's chest, "fuck all of you."

"Well, that was nerve wracking," Orpheus chuckled as he stood up, leaving Orion there and patted Everest's shoulder, "take her to the black room son."

Giggling Kali and Mel retreated from the scene, ecstatic that she was still being punished. As Everest looked at Orpheus with confused eyes.

"Even after this? She barely survived this."

"And? She tried to kill you. I will not allow such behavior to go unpunished. Unless you'd like to accompany her for punishing, you'll do as I say without questioning me." Looking down at her weak, fragile form he smiled, "but first she has to do something for me."

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