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A particular guard took extreme interest in finding the missing subjects as he watched Nora panic. Leaving his post, he headed towards the front gates, conveniently as a car was pulling in the driveway. Confused he began asking where the car had come from. "Took the humans to the airport," a guard responded in a bored tone, "why?"

"Cause they weren't scheduled to leave. Have you seen the dhampir?"

"She said bye to them and went back inside."

"Did she?" The guard asked completely disappointed in the poor security. Wanting desperately to hit the two imbeciles, he controlled himself and snatched the keys. Starting the car, he heard a yell. Turning his head he saw as Everest flung both guards away from him.

"Move now." He grunted as the guard remained impassive and clamored out of the front seat. Getting in the passenger seat, he waited for Everest to recklessly speed off into the street.

"Are you allowed to leave the premises Mr Hartley?"

"Mind your fucking business security guard." He huffed as he weaved in and out of traffic. Everest was disappointed that there was only one other person to think like he does. The guard was an average looking man, nothing over the top with muscles or build but he was still strong. Although he was not ripped like the men advertised in campaigns, he was still handsome. Along with his average physical traits, he also contained a very intelligent mind and sweet personality. Everest rolled his eyes at his blonde, short hair and piercing blue eyes.

Now at the airport, he waited while Everest began asking random people about her. The guard heard the other guards trying to communicate with him in his earpiece, "Fitch, status. Now." His commanding officer repeated. Raising his hand to his ear to activate the sound he turned around respectfully, "still searching. Will update."

Turning his head while he heard the whsipers from the earpiece he focused on a cab driver cursing at his phone. Eavesdropping he heard him cursing in italian about two girls lying. Intrigued he walked towards the cab, "hello sir."

"What do you want? Ride?"

"Yes please, but I also wanted to see if you were ok. You seem upset."

Genuinely taken aback, he sighed and began venting to the nice gentleman who sat in the back of the cab without Everest. "I gave ride to three young people. Two girls beautiful, but one was just gorgeous. My type. They flirted whole time and I gave them free ride for number. Gave me fake number!" He yelled as he drove off.

"Where in the world did they want to go?"

"Colosseum. Stupid tourists."

"Agreed," Fitch nodded in the backseat, "I apologize for that. May I have a ride to the Colosseum as well?" The man narrowed his eyes but changed his attitude when Fitch outstretched a wad of cash.

"Absolutely," he grinned as Fitch handed him enough fare for both trips to the Colosseum. As Everest growled from the lack of help he got from the useless people at the airport. Turning around he realized the guard was nowhere to be found. Immediately getting back in the car he caught his scent and cracked his car window. Speeding off behind the trail he left behind.


"These pigeons are so cute!" Orion giggled as she kneeled around them, her hand outstretched for them to eat, "I just wanna squeeze em!"

"They're like rats," Blake flinched away from all of them as he talked over Orion's cooing, "rats with wings and full of diseases."

"Blake hold still to take my picture," Val yelled as she was posed in the aesthetically pleasing court. All the pigeons surrounding her as she tried to make them fly up around her and pose at the same time. Except Blake continued to flinch whenever they invaded his space.

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