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"So we're gonna have to drive there," Orion asked groggily while rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "I'm guessing."

"We can easily walk there," Alessandro responded as they started to calmly exit the plane. The starry night sky, making Orion happy that there is no sun at all to burn her eyes. She went down first as Everest, Astrid, and the security followed them down the rather narrow staircase. Astrid walked with her hand on her wrist as they followed the royals who were very heavily guarded. Orion looked around at the large security team surrounding them as if Kharis couldn't flick her wrist and kill a vampire.

Chuckling at her own mental picture and the ridiculous amount of security, she received a few glares. It wasn't as if a few of their guards stared her down as soon as she exited the plane from her blood and their debriefing about her condition. They didn't trust her at all...

The walk wasn't very long but the streets were crowded with people celebrating something Orion had no idea about. Making their short walk even more dangerous as they slid through massive crowds.

Genuinely enjoying the sounds of carefree people who drank and danced together. The sight and sounds making a smile appear and grow when a few slightly sober ones eyed up the Cruorems, some of them praising them for their awesome cosplay. "Beautiful costumes! I love Storm from comics," he chuckled and hiccuped at the same time. The strong smell of alcohol invading all of their nostrils.

"You have no idea," Orion bumped into the random man who commented on Astrid's appearance. She caught his eye as he looked her up and down and winked, too drunk to process what she said or what they are. Within a matter of seconds the crowd cleared as the buildings were no longer pressed tightly against one another and more spaced out. Eventually the openness revealed massive, golden gates.

With ease they waved and the gates silently swung open. She watched with amazement at the mere size of the gates.

They have money and a lot of it.

Following them up the incredibly long driveway they arrived at the massive mansion. Astrid and Everest already used to the first glance but Orion definitely was not. She should've prepared herself to see something so extravagant from the gates alone. There were enormous white columns that stood in front of the large mansion. Gold accents within the siding, on windowsills, balcony rails and the front door was painted the same exact gold color. The all white, enormous mansion making her head spin in awe.

The doors were opened by the staff as they respectfully and politely greeted all of them with bright, wide smiles. Happy to have their leaders return back home safely.

The happy states the staff were all in allowed Orion to conclude that they weren't lying when they said they aren't Orpheus. They must not mistreat their employees considering the glowing, genuinely happy faces she saw around the large foyer. It gave her a fraction of relief especially when she looked into one of the girls' eyes to see nothing but joy.

"There are 14 guest rooms, each with an en suite bathroom," Kharis spoke, removing her coat and handing it to a well-dressed staff member, "thank you Gerard." He smiled and nodded, "anything my queen."

"You all must reside in the East Hall, there are 5 vacant guest rooms there," Alessandro finished her sentence, "and yes the small forest surrounding the manor and training facilities are gated so no one can breach. Security has been tripled since their awareness of our arrival," he looked to Orion with a nod.

Luckily she kept her thoughts to herself about his statement of impenetrability. She knew that every time that is said, it's proven to be false.

"First, you must choose your rooms, shower and get dressed appropriately for supper. Only after then may you have free time." Kharis regarded all of them before leaving with Alessandro, "things will begin normally tomorrow."

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