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Right before their lips met she punched him in the throat and began sprinting into the woods. Her distraction working better than she had anticipated. Weaving between unfamiliar trees and jumping over logs she grunted with each stride.

Everest was walking, following her every step and sound. With immense confidence he didn't feel the need to run after her. Somewhat knowing this Orion let her palm scratch against a tree, successfully breaking the skin and leaving blood. She zig zagged through the trees, each one scratching her palm, causing her to bleed more.

Everest dug his heels into the ground and inhaled the faint scent on the bark. His pupils dilating as he licked his fangs.

She approached a very small clearing and ran her hand along each tree. Hiding behind one of them, she clenched her fist to help stop the bleeding. Peeking behind her she could see the faint glimmer of her blood on each of the trees.

Calming her breaths and attempting to keep still she heard the rustling of leaves. She knew it was him from the deep, groans he was now making.

His head whipping around frantically, trying to pinpoint the strongest scent while trying to reign in his control to stop him from decapitating her. His veins faintly darkening by the second, visibly portraying his internal struggle.

"Hunter." He grunted, revealing the sound of his true voice and nature, "stop making things worse."

A small grin on her face from seducing him just enough to run away. It seemed too easy, as if he was nothing like other vampires but somehow exactly like the rest of them.

She badly wanted to respond but she kept her lips together as he began going from tree to tree, inhaling deeply and stopping himself from tasting her blood once more.

Bringing her still armed foot up, she silently slid the silver dagger from the sole. Now armed she felt secure and forgot about her still bleeding palm. She stood, unaware as her blood coated the handle and threatened to drip onto the floor.

Before she could stop it, a single drop of blood hit the ground.

The sound making him whip his head in that direction, grinning he sprinted.

He had no idea she was expecting him, as she sunk the first dagger underneath his chin, making the wound sizzle. His mouth remained stuck open from nearly sinking his veins in her neck. She could see the faint glimmer of blood covered metal inside of his open, fanged mouth.

A brief look of shock and pain etched on his face as she swiftly yanked it back out and shoved it deep within his chest. She knew it slipped underneath his rib cage and nicked his heart from the growl he released. She wasn't strong enough to cut through his sternum to pierce his heart. She had to angle it underneath.

Yanking it back out again, successful she kicked him away as he fell backwards onto the ground.

The silver would poison him and she knew that tiny cut was enough to kill any vampire.

Smirking she ran off in the direction she came from, knowing she needed to get far enough away to tell her parents though the emergency message and tracker in her watch. Double-tapping on the large screen would send the emergency message and then consistently send updates on her current location. Doing exactly that she watched as the message went through and her watch went into power save mode to ensure her location is constantly updated.

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