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The car ride into the woods had both of their hearts beating erratically, not knowing where the hell they were going. Val stopped driving immediately when she saw a glimmer of the large manor. "This place looks old as hell," she commented to break the silence as they gawked at the building, "I hope this is the right place."

"Yeah it doesn't look structurally sound either. One big gust of wind and it looks like it'll collapse." Their eyes locked on one another as Blake reached over to squeeze her hand. "What do you wanna do?" Refocusing on their purpose in the creepy area.

"Go get our girl," she bravely said as each passing minute granted her more confidence, he immediately responded "Valentina, I-"

"She could be gettin hurt in there. I wanna get her out," her voice full of determination as Blake squeezed her hand harder to try and be there but also convince her this was insane. "We have nothing to defend ourselves. This ain't a good idea," he stated as he reached to start the car again, "let's just tell the cops."

"Hey!" Snatching his wrist from his hand's path to grab his phone, she stopped him, "you and I both know she would fight to save us B." Her big brown eyes searing Blake's green. Looking away he examined the place, lowering his head he sighed.

"Okay, okay. What's the plan?"

"Well I can be a distraction. Knock on the door like 'my car broke down, I need help' and then you can sneak in the back." Holding back a laugh Blake just nodded. "What's so funny?" Snatching her hand away she crossed her arms.

"This is a terrible idea! You could get kidnapped too while I sneak in for what? Somehow rescue two people?"

"Fine then what's your big plan?!"

Blake turned back to face the manor as he tried thinking of a new and less impulsive plan. Especially one where he had to be the brave hero. Meanwhile the guards all intrigued by the humans, allowed them to get close.


Everest was relaxing in the living room, reading a book. He tried to listen in on Orpheus' conversation with Lilith but he couldn't hear through the walls of Orpheus' chambers. Putting the book down on his chest he looked up at the ceiling, thinking about Orion. This girl was more than just a prisoner or hunter. Her last name sounding more familiar by the second. Practically the king and queen of the vampires came here looking for just a measly hunter.

They've tortured and slaughtered countless hunters before. So why this one?

Standing up, putting a bookmark on the page he left off on, he began searching through bookshelves full of books lining the walls. Ripping through the books.

Gates. Gates. Gates.

That name sounding alarms in his mind, like he read about her family before. In a vampire book? He knew for a fact she was human, there was no way she was a vampire... her heart is beating, she needs food and water, doesn't need blood and silver has no affect.

Finally his hands pry a book by its spine from the shelf. His eyes scanning its contents only for them to land on a chapter all about her family. Flipping back to the cover he read the title: The Great War. Suddenly a knock on the door sent him shoving the book back in its designated place with a groan. Mentally setting a reminder for him to skim the book later.

Sprinting to the door, using his abilities he heard a heart beat on the other side. A human? Confused, he ran towards the basement door to be reassured he wasn't hearing things. Separately he could hear Orion's steady heart beat as she purposely annoyed Kali in hopes that she'd be let out.

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