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Orion's glare on Orpheus was almost enough to set him on fire.

"You know exactly why her parents have not been in your presence. We will not allow it-" Alessandro spoke gracefully as Orion tried to figure out what was truly going on.

"She broke the treaty. Not either of my children. Drawing first blood left Melania and Emilio no choice but to defend themselves. I have plenty of brothers and sisters who would defend me on this," Orpheus began getting louder and louder, "if you take her and protect the hunter, it will start an uprising. I will personally lead my people."

Alessandro and Kharis stood motionless and expressionless listening to him speak. "Is this true?" Their eyes now on Orion.

"They both tried to kill me!" She pointed to Melania, "it's fangs were inches away from going into my neck as if I were a big ole' juice box. So in that moment it was either me or it, same goes for that other thing I killed," not caring who she was around at this point she began backing away from all of them, "my parents know where I am?!" She glared at Orpheus wishing to get her hands on him.

"Based on her words, the treaty was not broken," Kharis looking at Orpheus for his smart remarks but this time he had none. "She should've stayed dead, yet you brought her back. Which is nearly breaking another law. There would be no need for hunting or capturing but you couldn't help yourself," she spat at him.

"Her parents want her returned unharmed to stop war. We will do what is necessary to avoid casualties." Alessandro cut in.

"A war with hunters is easily won," Lilith hissed.

"Tell that to the endless amounts of literature on the Great War. They have much more advanced technology and weaponry than they had. Lives will not be risked at the expense of your egos or your ignorance," Alessandro let out a small, guttural growl with his words; making everyone else stop talking.

"You have no grounds to take her unless she was bitten. Check her," Orpheus with a newfound confidence stood taller now.

Kharis turned to face her once again, moving faster than any vampire she'd ever seen move right before she carefully pushed her hair aside. Inspecting her neck to see she had no signs of fang entry marks. Orion watched as her eyes slowly closed, "did she threaten your life verbally or physically?" Kharis sounding much more exasperated than before.

"Both," her voice showing no care as she imagined her parents knowing more than they chose to let on. Her anger choosing to fester on that thought knowing full well her parents could easily invade this manor and take them down.

"If you try and take her there will be issues among our great families."

"What you have is no family. You've turned humans and stripped them of their names, giving them new ones. Not even allowing them to take on your last name," Kharis now face to face with Orpheus, her anger filling the room.

The rumored power within her beginning to fill the air, making it heavy. She reigned it in as she looked down at Orpheus, standing at least a foot taller than him. The other vampires now hissing at her words, defending their "father".

Orion's head whipping all around and somehow her eyes landing on gray. Unknowingly, Alessandro looked on between them, their attraction for one another deeply hidden but noticeable to his very old eyes. Smirking he grabbed his wife's shoulder, "Kharis we must go," his newfound information reassuring him of her safety until they can come to an agreement with Orpheus.

He didn't want her to exert any of her energy, he gently squeezed her, his touch having a calming effect. "My love, she cannot stay here any longer," her voice low, "if her parent's-" He cupped her cheek, stopping her words and not caring of his audience, "she will be safe for now. We will be back," he politely nodded to everyone in the room as they both left.

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