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"He wants her to accompany you upstairs for dinner," Kali's familiar, high-pitched voice interrupted the silence from the door.

"I'm not eating," she informed him as he unlocked and opened the cell door. "That isn't your decision to make tonight," he reached for her forearm.

"I'm getting outta here," she whispered to herself, not caring if either of them heard her. Roughly squeezing her bicep, he yanked her towards him. "If you want to survive I suggest not saying that around any of them. Understand?" The force of his grip making Orion's impassive face crack as she expressed her pain only to glare at him as she stood uncomfortably close to his chest. His voice low enough so that Kali couldn't hear as he spoke down to her. He didn't let go until she looked in his eyes and nodded, letting him know the message was received.

Their closeness making both of them feel the attraction they've always felt from their first encounter. Refusing to accept it she pushed against him, naturally snapping him out of it. Everest continued walking, easing off of the pressure he applied.

As they walked up the stairs and into the ridiculously large, extravagant dining room all eyes were on her.

Orpheus sat at the head of the table with Lilith seated off to the side of him, Kali a few seats away, as human men and women were strategically seated between all of them. All of them dressed similarly to how she was.

"What kinda weird shit is this?" Orion asked, not caring if they could all hear. Without answering her Everest aggressively pushed her into a seat at the furthest end of the table.

"Ah my spice, you look insatiable," Orpheus licked his lips as he spoke. His fangs prominent, "too bad your blood will not be consumed tonight. For tonight is your training."

"Let me tell you something you-"

"Did he ask you to speak, hunter?!" Lilith slammed her fists on the table, rattling all the china.

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck, pet?" Orion snapped back, earning a small chuckle from Orpheus as he leaned forward and used his hands to hold his head up. Fingers folded together as they rested underneath his prominent, sharp chin.

"Pet?" He asked amused.

"The way she begs for your attention, I only assumed." Her eyes shooting daggers at Lilith. All the humans breaths simultaneously hitched at the encounter, never taking their eyes off their laps.

Orpheus' uncontrolled laughter filling the tense room. Lilith glared back at her, her veins darkening as she wanted to rip her to shreds. Without the okay, she would never disappoint Orpheus.

"As much as I appreciate spice, there comes a time when the heat must be turned down," he shot out from his seat and slammed Orion's face into the table in less than a second, "learn your place." His red eyes now locked with gray as he twisted her arm behind her back and snapped it.

Orion's face was scrunched in pain as she let one loud grunt out between gritted teeth. Leaning down towards her face, her broken arm fell limp beside her as her breaths turned rugged, "oh my spice, something about your weakness overpowering your pride makes this so much more fun," he placed a quick kiss on her cheek before sitting back down in his seat.

Slowly Everest reached over to her limp body and lifted her up by her chin. She leaned over the table, fully facing him as her harsh breaths were the only thing that could be heard. Without warning he moved his hand to her shoulder to readjust her arm to allow it to heal properly. She hissed and looked at him with wide eyes as he used the table knife to make a small cut on her broken arm. Her jaw clenched as she flinched from the additional pain instinctively her uninsured arm swung at him. Effortlessly catching it he glared at her and dodged her headbutt. Trying to continue his healing without using the knife to end her, he miraculously licked the cut for it to heal all of her wounds.

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