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Orion heard someone walk up to her door. She was still in the same spot on the edge of the bed, just staring at her bare feet as they were planted on the ground. She still hasn't gotten changed or washed the makeup from her face. The entire evening proving to be more tolling than she had expected it to.

"It's me." He whispered, hoping no one else but her could hear him. Luckily, both her parents were sound asleep knowing he was locked up.

The sound of his voice immediately made her heart race. She thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her. Not once did she consider the Cruorems let him go after he betrayed everyone. Truly not putting it past her brain, she just sat there attempting to figure out why everything seemed awful all the time.

Questioning why she had the worst taste in men.

Genuinely contemplating her questions internally she stopped any and all thoughts when he opened the door and came in. Ina statue like state, all she saw was his figure in her peripheral. His smell invaded her nose as the sounds of his light footsteps were heard followed by the sound of the door gently closing.

Why didn't she lock it?

Her instinct spoke for her, "get out."

"I can't," he confessed.

She stayed on the bed, not wanting to move. Almost terrified to move in case this wasn't real and she was for sure going insane.

"I'm being very nice right now... please, get out." She closed her eyes when he was still standing there. His presence alone is overwhelming let alone his looks. He was intimidating, and made her confidence fade, "I said what I wanted to say already. You said what you wanted to say. So that's it. I think we can count our debts even by now. You don't have to stay here anymore, you can go do whatever you want. Leave capital. I really could not care less."

He noticed she hadn't bothered to move or look at him since he came in.

"Technically our debts were even when I helped you escape."

"Mhmm. Nice chat," she bravely stood up to head towards the bathroom, "I'm going to take a peaceful shower alone and go to sleep... alone. When I leave this bathroom you better be gone."

"God damnit," he groaned, slightly raising his voice as he stepped forward, "I am genuinely trying here Orion. This is me trying." Fingers pressing against his chest to try and emphasize his frustration. She rapidly spun around as her narrowed eyes immediately landed on him, freezing him in his place. All he could do was stare back.

Irritation obvious in her face, "why did you even come here?" She crossed her arms over her chest, "I gave you the chance to tell me how you felt multiple times. Each time you just stared at me like I had six heads."

"I did not say anything because I simply was speechless. You caught me off guard. Instead of waiting for me, you made an assumption of what you thought I was going to say," he pointed accusingly at her, his voice grew deeper, "your brain made up the perfect response so you could deal with the only feeling you seem to know how to deal with."

"Oh cause you know everything about me right?" She clenched her fists by her sides, letting her arms hang, "so tell me Mr.Know-it-all what is the only feeling I can deal with?"


It felt as if she was slapped across her face at his one word response. All of her ranting couldn't hide the fact that he was slightly right. Her still red lips slightly separated as she sharply inhaled. His angular face portrayed a slight smugness at her reaction.

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