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"Help me pass the time," she sat upright.

"What's that supposed to mean?" A failed attempt at helping her to temporarily forget.

"I'm sure you're more than capable of figuring it out," she huffed, smacking his hands away and pushing backwards from him to create some much needed space. He noticed her desire fading as her anger took over.

"The past few months you didn't even bother to acknowledge the fact that I existed. Now we're alone twice and both times you ravish me?"

Her eyes widening at his words, "ravish you? Really?"

"Absolutely," he rubbed his chin and tried decoding what was going on inside her very complex brain, "you were practically engaged. Whenever he was around, you despised me. Yet now, you jump me whenever you get the chance and conveniently he isn't present."

"I was never gonna marry Calvin so I wasn't engaged," she shot back angrily, "and let's not forget that even when I'm throwing myself at you, I still hate you." Avoiding his deductions about her being sensitive to Calvin's feelings.

"Oh you do?" An eyebrow now raised as they glared at one another. He knew his words were only to make her angry but they held some truth to them. "Absolutely," she mocked his response from earlier. Crossing her arms, she faced the front of the car. He examined her side profile, "nothing else to say? That's a first... you finally learned to lose."

"Lose? Lose?!" She pointed a threatening finger at him, "speak to me one more time and I will rip your tongue right out of your mouth," her voice much deeper as the veins around her eyes began darkening.

"Try me." He smirked as she growled and lounged towards him. Expecting her attack he prepared and braced himself. Catching her wrists before she could do as she promised to his tongue.

They fought back and forth for dominance as they rolled around in the back. Throwing themselves around, lashing and kicking. Trying to block all of her impressive blows he received a few hard hits. Regaining control he slammed her backside onto the floor of the car as he laid on top of her, successfully pinning her arms and legs with his body. "My tongue hm?" He hissed inches above her face, "I thought that was your favorite body part of mine," he smiled above her. His pearly white teeth nearly blinding her as they made a rare appearance. His vulgarity even shocking him. Something about her makes him feel unstable.

He hated it.

"Right now, you could do without it," she snapped back. "Last I remembered," he ignored her attempts to free herself, "it seemed to bring you great pleasure." Closing his eyes, he licked his lips and reopened them to stare into hers. Her broody expression faltered for a split second as memories flossed. Fighting all of her urges to rip his heart out like Orpheus did, she couldn't stop her thoughts. Slightly arching her back, she realized what was happening and slammed it back down. Embarrassed and irritated she simply turned her head as the veins slowly began to disappear. She even managed to ignore his pompous grin from directly above her.

Everest was lucky she hadn't caught a glimpse of her reflection in the windows, or else she'd really lose it. When she had her first real meltdown, he assumed she saw her reflection. Every new vampire has trouble dealing with seeing that side of themselves.

Back to reality, he was glad to see that his tactics worked to some extent. Underneath himself, he felt a few of her muscles relax. "Better?" His face returned to its normal expression as he looked down.


In one swift motion, he was back in his seat and so was she. Once again distancing each other from having any physical contact. Directly behind his head Everest heard a click, spinning around he saw slight sunlight and the eyes of a guard. Confused they stared one another down for a moment. "What," Everest grunted at him, already annoyed by just his eyes.

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