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The room was dark. Thick drapes blocked all natural light from entering the room. Kali hadn't bothered dusting the large room as small particles floated through the air. Looking around Orion inspected the space. It was decorated by someone during the 1800's, the colors were black, dark red with hints of gray.

Typical vampire colors, she thought to herself.

The giant California king bed with long curtains surrounding it called to her as her back practically pushed for her to lay on it. It begged for mercy from the concrete slab they called a bed. Pushing on the mattress she smirked at the softness, "better than the bed within the cell?" Everest asked from the doorway not entering the room. Gently within her other hand was his non-beating heart.

"I don't think concrete counts as a bed. Why am I in here?" Now facing him, she crossed her arms over her chest. Mistrust was now invading his nostrils from her pores. Wanting to avoid giving her the entire answer he simply muttered, "you're no longer a prisoner. I thought that was apparent."

"So I'm a slave now? This is the slave treatment?" Her head tilting.

His response was just a shrug and a curt nod, but she could tell by now that he was either lying or neglecting to tell her everything. Unfolding her arms she held the heart in front of her, "tell me the truth," she whispered to it. Slowly her gaze traveled to him, "Orpheus prefers his slaves to be well taken care of in between usage since he's typically rough. I suspect there's more reasons for you to be in here though he neglected to inform any of us."

Instinctively taking a step back she cursed herself for making such a horrific deal but remembered her friends are alive. Closing her eyes and exhaling she turned back around, "you can go now."

Everest wanting to step forward, realized he physically couldn't. Annoyed by the lack of control he had over his actions he slammed the door to retreat to his own room. Her eyes immediately being drawn the the floor-to-ceiling length bookshelves. She wondered if this was his method of keeping slaves' sanity in here intact or to just distract them from the horrors they endured on daily basis.

If the humans at every single supper were slaves, are they just a one time usage? It was rare to see one of the humans surviving a dinner at the manor. Her thoughts beginning to run wild as she pictured being seated next to Orpheus as the meal instead of eating one. Trying to rid herself of the image, she focused on the impressive bookshelves. Skimming her fingertips along the dust covered shelf and spines, she started contemplating how she could be dead. Now opening a connecting door she inspected the bathroom. It was the size of her childhood bedroom, with a separate bathtub and shower. The shower being very large, all glass walk in. 

Walking towards the large mirror she set the heart down on the counter and stared at her reflection. The hazel in her eyes much less dull than usual. She could tell she lost some weight, not to the point of looking ill but it was noticeable to her. The diet here wasn't particularly fattening, mostly healthy foods that barely provided her with the nutrition necessary to survive. On rare occasions they would provide her with a decent meal. They provided her with the bare minimum portion wise to keep her physically weak. She frequently tested her strength by training secretly. Over the last month, she noticed how significantly less strong she was.

On top of all of that she was covered in now dried blood, slightly disgusted by the sight she decided to shower. Avoiding the bathtub at all costs, not wanting to sit in dirty, bloody water. Before getting in she needed to check the clothes she could change into. Slightly hopeful of normal clothes being inside the massive wardrobes within the room. Opening the old piece of wooden furniture to reveal many different sets of lingerie.

Groaning at the sight and hitting her head against the door, she borderline screamed as she snatched the least revealing set from inside.

Locking the door behind her she slowly stripped off the old lingerie. Finally able to breathe outside the stiff corset.

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