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Everest weakly lifted his hand as Orion pulled him into her chest, squeezing tightly.

"Easy," Kharis advised her knowing Everest was entirely too close to death. Everest groaned against her, enjoying her natural scent. She smiled into his dirty hair as he tried to pry himself free from her strong grip. Unable to imagine the pain she would've felt for the rest of her immortal life if she killed the only guy she's ever cared about in a romantic way.

Deciding to give him some space to heal, she let him gently roll back onto his back. She was fully kneeling, watching his wounds healing, moving the shirt to ensure he was alright.

"This is strange," his voice was low and raspy.

"What is?"

"Being the weak one and needing saving," his smirk making her full on smile down at him.

"You only needed saving cause I almost killed you." Unable to stop herself she threw herself at him. They rolled together in the dirt as she basically attached herself to him. Her legs wrapping around his torso, "if you ever let me do that again, I'll-"

"Kill me?"

Smiling even harder she held onto him tighter knowing he can hold her back. His strong arms wrapped around her. Taking in her scent as she kept her head in his neck. His eyes slowly opened as he felt his neck get wet. Not knowing what it was from he remained still as he smelled the faint scent of her blood.

She was crying.

And she was ashamed.

Not wanting to make anything worse, he rubbed her back soothingly as they sat upright together and she continued to secretly cry.

He looked up at Cornelius who nodded down at him as he helped Kharis stand up again.

"Orion, you need to put your heart back right now," Astrid interrupted their moment making Everest glare at her.

She let out a soft sniffle as she tried to stand up. Stumbling slightly Nora offered her a hand. Still holding her heart in her hand. Everest narrowed his eyes at the sight and immediately shot to his feet. His healing was accelerated as he glared down at Nora and held a hand out.

"Give it to me."

"Everest calm down," Kharis barely got out as she began walking alongside Cornelius.

"She's right, we got time and right now we gotta deal with these fuckers who've just been watching us after helping that sociopath." Orion jokingly added, talking about the still kneeling vampires who surrendered. Nora gulped before giving him the beating, warm heart.

Everest just stared down at it, intrigued by it. Refocusing, he spoke again, "it needs to go back now before something happens to you."

"You have it, so what would you command me to do?" She smirked over at him. Trying to remind him of their first intimate encounter. Ignoring her playful banter, he swiftly grabbed her shoulder and immediately shoved it into her chest without warning. Gasping for air she looked down at his hand in her chest. Astrid immediately running to her side as Orion stumbled back and Everest pulled his hand out, disgusted with himself but glad it was back where it belonged.

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