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Now closer to the manor, Orion finally found a window to search for everyone. Locating her family and friends were easy as they continued to fight effortlessly. She could even see Bali killing three at once, not even seeming to break a sweat with her long, high braid.

Whipping her head she tried to find Everest but couldn't see him anywhere. Her ability to focus and see clearly was practically nonexistent over the endless sea of fighting. The sudden frantic state made all of them stop. Nora grew impatient as she intervened, "he'll be fine. We have to get the Queen out of here." She tried to reassure Orion. More enemies swarmed and distracted all of them as she was forced to help Cornelius fight them off.

Asha and Calvin fought side by side the entire time, fighting perfectly with one another. Alongside Astrid, Derek, Mr. and Mrs. Okafor, this proved to be true of hunters bonding over fighting as their expertise shined especially right about now. Asha's parents noticed their daughter and future son-in-law's chemistry on the battlefield. They approved of him even more as he kept up with her.

Hidden in the bloodshed, Kali and Melania went for kill shots every time as Everest barely managed to evade each of their attempts.

He finally got some advantage as his hand gripped Kali's ponytail, using it to toss her. As she collided with the ground she whistled to get back-up from their followers. Much to their surprise, they graciously helped them pin him onto the ground after many attempts. He fought as hard as he could, shredding any of the weak vampires that tried helping the two women.

Six vampires and Kali finally were able to get his frontside on the lawn. Nothing he tried to do could get them off of his back or his appendages as they used all their strength to keep him immobile. He released loud, thunderous growls from frustration.

The sounds caught Orion's attention as they resonated within her brain, anxiety filling her entire body. Never hearing that sound before but somehow knowing it was from him.

He needs help! Go!

Torn between Kharis and him, Cornelius looked at her as if she was crazy, "go!" He screamed at her noticing her rigidness. Orion immediately ran towards the direction of the noise practically blind as she slipped through outreached hands.

All of them ecstatic that she was back within their view as they chased her.

Wishing she had her bow.

Mel wiped the blood from her lip and dramatically approached him; waiting for this moment for a long time. Kali roughly gripped his hair and lifted his head up so he could look at Mel. "Big bro," she licked her lips as she got on his level, "I'm almost a little too excited to kill you."

"Then do it already," he seethed, his voice much different than usual as the Blood Dragon emerged. Orpheus watching in the background with curious eyes: still lingering throughout the fight and still livid that his children disobeyed him.

Though not opposed to killing his son before his scheduled time.

He had planned for him to die much later and much more dramatically. With a crowd of course, but this... he didn't mind watching.

"What did they do to you?" She asked with her head tilted before her hand firmly gripped his lower jaw, "your eyes... they're different." He smiled in her face, his dragon proud to die fighting as her fingers invaded his mouth. One hand beginning to stretch the other as she planned on ripping his head in half by his jaw.

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