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When they were back at the house the Cruorem's stood on the porch. "We called for another car, this time with amplified security. They are awaiting at the rendezvous point."

"I have to pack my bags," Orion stated.

"No time. We're leaving now, Orpheus may have already revealed information of what happened earlier. You need to be heavily guarded at all times," Kharis said as she stepped forward, "We understand that this is a lot but he will pursue you at all costs especially now more than ever." Her accent making her words sound less threatening than they actually were.

"What about my family?" Orion asked, "or Calvin? Val and Blake?" Her eyes darting from Alessandro to Kharis, "he saw them there fighting beside me. He knows now that I'd die without hesitation to protect them." Her anger rising, "my parents can't stay here and fight an entire army alone."

"We have the hunters. That is our army," Astrid soothingly rubbed Orion's back. Just her touch alone providing some comfort, "and we have security protecting your two friends right now."

"He knows the general location of our house. This is just like any mission," her hazel eyes burning holes into her mother's hazel, "you have to burn it down and come with me. And the hunters? Do they even know about you? About me?"

Their shifted gazes answering her question as she sighed, "I can't go if you guys aren't with me."

"They have responsibilities," Alessandro cut in, "they are leaders."

"They can lead from wherever is safe," Orion shot back at him, "they have giant targets on their backs cause of me. Believe me when I say that I will run from wherever if they stay here to die." Her eyes clearly portraying a fire inside of them.

Alessandro looked to Kharis, as they both contemplated the situation. Her response was a simple, short nod. "Fine they may come and reside with us until the uprising has been settled." He huffed as he began descending from the porch. He paused right beside Orion, "Miss Gates if you dare speak to me in such a way again, you will be very sorry. Now I am nothing like Orpheus Dragomir but you will understand that his punishments seem like rewards compared to mine." He said lowly towards her ear, making her question everything she had done and said.

Kharis followed behind him and when they were out of sight and hearing range she lightly smacked his back. "You wouldn't lay a finger on that girl." She grunted at him, their formalities being put away for their personal interaction. "They don't know that and we'll keep it that way." He smiled over at her before placing a kiss on top of her head as they walked side by side towards the cars.

Meanwhile Astrid began quickly packing important weapons and the very few memorabilia they kept inside their house knowing they would have to burn it to the ground to erase any scents that could be used for tracking. Orion sprinted inside to take one last look and soak in her childhood home. Her favorite spot was the back porch where she had so many memories with her family. She looked out at the barely illuminated back yard. The moonlight making the dew on the grass glisten as it covered the entire backyard.

Standing was the easiest thing to do so she preferred it. Risking an uncontrolled sprint she took small strides with each step, barely moving a few inches she finally landed in the grass. Not letting her excitement overwhelm her she closed her eyes and soaked in the moonlight. Her face facing the moon, slowly opening her eyes, she admired its beauty. "I hear you're leaving," Everest interrupted her moment by finally speaking after having watched her for a few minutes in the shadows. Ever since they arrived, he enjoyed spending time alone in the backyard.

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