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Mel swiftly grabbed Kali and retreated from the scene. Knowing that was their que to leave.

A barely breathing Lilith laid severely injured on the ground, wooden and silver bullets decorated her entire body as her flesh continued to burn. Even through all of her pain, she had a bloody smile at Orion's painful death that she was lucky enough to witness.

Everest saw only black before chasing after Orpheus who sprinted, leaving behind any survivors from their ambush. He furiously clung onto Orion's dead body as it laid limp in his arms creating resistance. Alessandro, Kharis, and Astrid followed and easily gained on him. Kharis was too far and too distracted to use her ability as she couldn't focus on him completely disoriented from her sudden death. Derek immediately got on the bike and pursued all of them, tears welling in his eyes, blocking a majority of his field of vision.

Calvin stood there in shock for a few minutes, hoping none of this had actually happened. He was snapped out of it when his anger took over from hearing Lilith mock him. Irritated he grabbed a silver laced rope and tied her onto the back of his bike from her legs. She yelled in agony as he sped off after all of them, trying to help in any way he can. Lilith grunted from the massive amount of pain from each bump and twigs that snapped and pierced her skin.

Far ahead of him Everest pushed on, managing to keep up with both of the royals. His mind replaying the scene of her being stabbed and coughing up blood over and over again. Momentarily closing his eyes he sprung them open and grunted with each stride, forcing himself to move faster. Holding onto a sliver of hope that she could be still be healed, ignoring the ear-deafening sound of her heart stopping.

Hope was an unfamiliar feeling to him but he clung onto it.

Alessandro's loud growl and thud could be heard ahead of everyone as he tackled Orpheus to the ground. Both ancients rolling in the dirt, swiftly regaining their traction as Orion's limp body aggressively rolled off the the side.

Kharis immediately tending to her, flipping her over on her back and removing the knife from her chest. Blood gushing out from all of her wounds. The strong scent making some veins darken as a sign of her very minor loss of control. Taking a moment to regain it, she focused and fed her blood, ignoring the lack of sounds.

Using her powers she tried to access her telepathically, get any sense of brain activity but there was none.

Alessandro and Orpheus continued fighting in the background as Everest skidded to a halt and helped Kharis. His large hands awkwardly hovering over her, not knowing how to help wounds this severe. Looking down he saw her dull hazel eyes staring up at the sky.

"Did you give-"

"Yes. No response yet."

"I'll try," he bit into his wrist, Kharis reached out and held it towards him, "no. Too much and she will get sick, my blood is potent enough." Typically her blood healed those immediately and Orion was still bleeding from her chest and stomach injuries. Some blood continued to run down both cheeks as she laid on her back.

Trying once more, Kharis closed her eyes to focus on her brain activity.


Reluctantly she picked her up, Everest stayed on the ground knowing she was truly gone. Astrid soon arrived as Kharis stood cradling Orion as her hair and limp arms swung with each step.

The moment Astrid saw Kharis walking towards her, she stiffened. The red tears pooling, threatening to fall as they glistened in the moonlight. Furiously shaking her head she fell to her knees refusing to look up. For the first time since the incident she broke down.

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