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Nora came rushing into the bedroom with four strangers following behind her, "Good Afternoon, I assume training was well?"

"Yeah, it was okay." Orion looked at all of the half-dressed women with confusion, "who're all these people?"

"This is Eloise and Genevieve, the hair stylists," the gorgeous women waved to her, "and these are the makeup artists, Francesca and Jo." The other two unfairly beautiful women waved.

Orion noticed the lack of heart beats on all four of them.

"I need a whole army of beauticians to get me ready?" She looked between all of them with her sweat-filled hair, face, and outfit. The stains obvious on her all gray ensemble.

"Apparently so, we only have 6 hours before the capital opens, hurry go shower!" Orion looked at all of them confused as Nora used her hands to motion for her to go into the bathroom, like she was sweeping her inside, "no bra needed, just underwear for this dress."

Instead of closing the door behind her she slipped inside and closed the door.

"Nora?" Her eyes widening, never seeing her be this sneaky. Nora went to turn the faucet on and turned on the shower to drown out the noise inside the bathroom. "I just wanted to ask how you were feeling about this evening? Since the people who held you captive will be in attendance."

Orion tilted her head as Nora laid out a pair of black lace panties for her on the sink, "just ask."

"Excuse me?" Nora kept whispering, fake acting as if she were appalled.

"You really wanna ask about him, don't you?" She grinned at her, figuring her out.

Nora opened and closed her mouth like a fish, "I-I do not!"

"Yes you do!" She half laughed, "in case you were wondering," Nora's eyes lit up, "I haven't seen him since that night, so nothing."

"May I ask if you think he's avoiding you?"

"No idea, haven't really thought about him much with everything goin on." Orion just looked past her attempts at being formal once again after her prying.

"Yes, the ball! Shower as quickly as possible and wash your hair, excuse me," Nora held a slim finger up as she left the bathroom and returned with a silk, pink robe, "put this on when you're fully dry, and come out for hair and makeup." Orion did a fake curtsy making Nora shake her head. "Remind me to help you with that," she smiled as she shut the bathroom door, leaving Orion to shower and do exactly as she said.

Orion could tell how genuinely excited Nora was about this evening. She genuinely appreciated it as she felt her excitement beginning to rub off.

In the shower she shaved her entire body and made sure she smelled good. This was her first time shaving in a long time and she had no shame. Now dry, she applied lotion literally everywhere. Pausing to examine her backside in the mirror with the panties on. "Oooh," she ogled her own reflection as the underwear made her feel sexy. Tying the robe on to cover herself, she left the bathroom to see tables set up and Kharis and Astrid getting their makeup and hair done. She saw Nora by the window already fully dressed in her gorgeous gown.

Why everyone decided her room was good for this sort of thing? She had no idea.

Nora turned and clapped, "perfect timing!" Her face had perfectly applied makeup, her red lips contrasting against her porcelain skin. A perfect color to compliment the royal blue fabric of her dress. Her slight curves being accentuated by the mermaid style gown.

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