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"Get up hunter," Everest continued to shove Orion who was loudly snoring and has been for the past 2 hours in the car. He was already in Seattle and had no idea where he had to go. Trying to focus on driving he hadn't realized she was cursing him out for waking her up.

"Where am I going?" He interrupted her slew of profanities to get directions. Looking around she sat upright as she simultaneously rubbed the exhaustion from her eyes. Taking a few moments before she was able to actually soak in the scenery. Fully processing her surroundings, excitement brewed inside of her as she realized they were really out of Oregon. "Take the next right," she said suddenly calm, now familiarized with her hometown.

Around 20 minutes later they were driving uphill, on a very secluded road in a woodsy area. Everest having no idea where he was at but Orion knew every nook and cranny within this forest. Though it wasn't by choice, she was forced to learn it. The only people who knew where she lived was her, her parents another hunting family and now him.

She hadn't thought about parting ways again and she told him where she lived without hesitation. Her heart automatically picking up at the same time as her thoughts were racing. Everest turned his head, "problem?" Focusing back on the road after realizing her back was to him. Shaking her head to say no, she sat straight up, nervous for their initial reaction her hands wringing in her lap. She tried to gauge their reactions beforehand to see how pissed they'd be. She completely lost all focus as she planned for what's to come when they approach them.

As Everest drove closer she looked up and realized how deep they were into the woods. Eyes widening she yelled, "stop!"

Ignoring her he kept driving, knowing she was panicking for no reason. "Unless you want us to get shot up, stop the damn car." She aggressively sighed at him. The tires dug into the dirt as he slammed on the brakes. Both of their bodies jerking from the impact. "Stay in the car," she nodded at him as she slowly climbed out. Moving to the exact spot where the high-tech camera was able to get a clear view of her face. She barely heard it doing its job before Everest heard a very faint alarm go off in the distance. If he wasn't on high alert, he wouldn't it have been able to hear it.

Waiting for her parents she waved at the camera and climbed back into the car.

"Do I even want to know why you waved to a tree?" He asked with an eyebrow raised looking at her as if she was insane. A large part of him already convinced that she was. "They'll be here but you have to let me talk and explain to them why you're here before you get out," she stared at him, looking the most serious she's ever been since they've met. He just nodded as he sat still, his eyes now roaming the surrounding forest. He kept the car running in case he needed to get out of there.

After a few minutes Everest heard fast approaching footsteps in the surrounding forest, someone was sprinting really fast: almost like he can. Looking over at Orion he saw her sitting anxiously looking around and tapping her fingers on her legs. Little did he know she wasn't anxious to reunite with her parents, there was impending doom looming over her head when she sees him. He watched her inhale sharply as his eyes turned to see a woman with a short black afro, mocha colored skin and pointing two large shotguns in their direction.

Swallowing hard he noticed the similarities between Orion and her mother. The same murderous look in their hazel eyes when they felt powerful and in control.

Meanwhile Orion slowly slid from the car, her arms raised just in case, "hey ma." Immediately Astrid sprinted towards Orion, getting to her in less than a second. Everest stayed in the car and watched as they hugged, a slight smirk from Orion's nonchalant reaction while her mother inspected every inch of her. He was so preoccupied with their reunion he hadn't realized her father was standing next to the driver's side door with two loaded pistols pointed at the side of Everest's head.

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