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It took a couple days for every window to be fixed and replaced in the capital. Within that time, Kharis had released a majority of the prisoners in the cells that passed her mental examination. A few still held some malicious feelings towards the capital, her, or Orion. None of which were acceptable and worthy of release.

Meanwhile, Orion frantically prepared with Nora for the arrival of Valentina and Blake. Still without a cell phone she had been using her parent's phones to call or text them. Today was the day they arrived and sadly the day the rest of the hunters left including the Okafors and Calvin.

He was leaving to tend to his estate and prepare for the wedding.

Orion stood by the front doors as everyone said their goodbyes to one another. Dread was balled up in her stomach, twisting her organs at the thought of saying goodbye to him. Not because of anything romantic, but for the friendship they were able to begin to rebuild.

He formally said his goodbyes to her parents, the professionalism still there, with a minor hint of awkwardness of their closeness over the years in hopes that they would be considered family.

Looking down at her feet, Orion waited for him to make his rounds until Asha approached her and cleared her throat, offering a hand. Shaking it firmly, Orion began, "thank you for all you've done for my family and I." Asha gave a small smile only to be yanked by Orion so they were suddenly in an embrace, "but if you ever think to hurt Calvin in any way, I'll come after you." Her jaw remained clenched, protective over her childhood friend.

Smiling Asha turned her head slightly, "and if you ever try to get between us, I will come after you." Both of the women chuckling at their threats and their eerily similar sense of humor. Separating, her smile was gone as Calvin waited beside his future bride, waiting to say his goodbyes.

"So..." he began awkwardly, holding his dufflebag, "this is it for a while."

"Yeah," she looked down at her feet, never fully appreciating his companionship or friendship until now, "for once it isn't me sprinting out the door." Her humor still enjoyed by Calvin as they somehow laughed at their predicament. She persevered, "you've been by my side for years Calvin even through all of my horrible decision making." Sadness began to lace her voice, "how could I ever thank you for that?"

"By coming to my wedding as my best man?" He barely shrugged his shoulders and she immediately clung onto him, in disbelief. He dropped the bag and spun her around quickly, their interaction reminding Astrid and Derek of how they behaved as children growing up together.

"I mean I hate weddings but absolutely I will," she replied with a large grin as he set her down, now holding him at arms length away, "wait... me? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I can barely stand any other hunters... such assholes." His toothy smile saying everything she needed to know about his feelings for Asha. With time, Orion knew they'd be inseparable. Proud with his choice of future bride, she grabbed his hand, "seriously though, I haven't geniunely taken the time to thank you. I just need you to know how appreciative I am of you especially after last week."

His smile barely reached his eyes as he nodded, "if you need anything, you know my number." He turned and gave Asha a breathtaking grin, placing his hand on the small of her back as he finally left with his future wife and in-laws.

Astrid walked to stand beside Orion as she waited until the large doors shut behind them. Slightly saddened of the booming sound from the door slam.

"You'll see him soon."

"And after that?" She turned to her mother, "things are gonna be so different."

Not having an answer she just gave a reassuring look, not sure how to respond. Derek walked beside his wife and nudged her, catching Orion's attention. Looking between the two of them as they seemed to argue with their eyes. Both of their eyebrows erratically moving up and down in response to one another.

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